Timothy's story 1: Reunion

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Timothy's POV

Hello and my name is Timothy, a blogger  where I travel the world and blog just about anything that seems interesting! Flight now me and my family are traveling to Tokyo for some sightseeing.

Now, blogging can bring you amazing surprises. One of which was seeing my good friend Marcel.



"We both exchange handshakes and fist bumps."

Timothy:How you've been?

Marcel:Oh you know me, always looking for adventure. So I decided to take a trip to Tokyo with a friend of mine.


"Shouting Marcel's name is a beautiful girl with long black hair with purple highlights, in a beautiful purple sweater, some yellow shorts and sneakers. All the guys watched and went ga ga over her as she runs up to Marcel and hugs him."

Baset:I love the clothes that you gave me!

Marcel:Glad you like them!

Timothy:Hello gorgeous! Who's your friend Marcel?

Baset:Greetings friend of Marcel. I'm Baset, goddess of a part of Egypt.

Timothy:! Seriously?!

Marcel:no joke, she is a real goddess from Egypt.

Timothy: How did you come to meet such a... Interesting woman?

Marcel:that part is... Complicated.

Baset:come on Marcel! I thought we were here for business?

Timothy:business you say?

Marcel:We are looking for stuff that is... Unusual.

Timothy:Unusual you say? Well there have been some murders going on in Tokyo. Started Two days ago.

Marcel:How's that unusual?

Timothy:Cause the bodies have been massacred.

Marcel & Baset:!

"Massacred?! Like, ripped to shreds? What kind of murderer is this person? Wait. Our world is fusing with other dimensions could it be a show or game that's causing this? If so that's gonna be quite a guess on which show or game is doing this?"



Marcel:Thanks Derek!

Timothy: Who's that?

Marcel:Another friend of mine. He has problems to take care of and then he will come here to Tokyo.
Alright, let's go to the sights!



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