Kidblaze chapter 2.5:Worlds collide pt. 3

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Kidblaze:Welcome to my home.

"Agi and Baset are amour at the beauty of his home."

Baset: its beautiful!

Agi:You got food here right?

Kidblaze:Yep. Help yourself.


"Agi scurries to the kitchen for a snack while Baset spots on the couch and looking at her surroundings."

Baset:So... This is earth. I can't believe I get to come see where you live.

Kidblaze:So glad I have spring break. How am I gonna explain this to !my family?

Agi:You can just hide me in your digivice like last time.

Baset:What about me?

Agi:Aren't you a digimon too?

Baset:I'm a Deity class monster.

Marcel:I can put you in the monster strike box. Woah where did my prized monsters go?!

???:It seems that they were also brought to this world.

Marcel:The watcher!

Watcher:Hello Marcel.

Marcel:He knows my name! Wait... Of course he does.

Agi:Who's this guy?

Marcel:He is the watcher. He is from the marvel universe with the power to see all.

Watcher: And right now, the worlds of different universes are merging together. Although some universes seem harmless, others will bring great harm.

Kidblaze:So we got to stop whoever is doing this.

Watcher:I wish the best of luck to you .

*with that, he vanishes.*

Baset:So... Where should we start?

*I suddenly had an idea.*

Marcel:Road trip.

To be continued.

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