Brier's nights at Dongaronpa 3:night 1

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Brier:Woah! Wait we ain't gonna get a background check on how to do this?!



*Back to story.*

Brier:Why?! This music again?!

That's just great!

"The speakers are playing Break my mind."

Purple guy:Let the madness begin!

"Animatronics start popping out of the shadows and start to attack Brier. Brier screams and dashes out of his security room and sprinting down the hall."

Mangle:He's faster than the foxy's!

Foxy's: Oh no he ain't!

"The Foxy's give chase at Brier but he is too fast for them and the overheat."

Foxy's: H...How?!


"Brier is on the ground, coughing up blood after putting a strain on his body."

Oh man! I keep forgetting this isn't my book where I can fight back. I'm fragile if I try to fight head on.

I need to find a way though.

???:Man you are hopeless!


Kidblaze:Sup, Brier! I see that you are in quite the pickle.

Brier:Really?! I didn't notice when I was running for my life.

Kidblaze:I might be able to help.


"Kidblaze takes out  bottle containing a strange liquid from his back pack."

Kidblaze: This will give you your powers from inside your book.

Brier:Say wha?

Kidblaze: Don't ask me how. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.

Brier:Uh... I'm not sure about this. In the book I was still trying to control my powers.

Kidblaze:No worries! This elixer will give you additional powers along with control of your old ones.

Here ya go.

Brier:Wait your leaving?!

Kidblaze:Yeah man! I got an adventure to do. And I ain't missing it cause you got kidnapped. You will find your way out if you use that. We will save them once. you get out and help out your own adventure.


Brier:Instant transmission?!

To be continued.

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