Final chapter part 1: Full Throttle! The boys vs Kariexyandere!

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Karie:Lets fight!

Karie cuts the air and sends it at the boys! They all dodge it! Roxas and BYAKKO run up on Karie.

★ Give me a big bang! ★

Byakko:★ Flame thunder! ★

Roxas and BYAKKO in
Unleash their Skills and burn and shock Karie! "Ahhhh" she takes the hit but then blows it off.

She closes the distance with Byakko.
"Here kitty kitty kitty!" Karie punches the Big tiger and pounds it into the school.


Karie then goes for Roxas but Brier intercepts. Brier:Chidori stream! Brier shoots a stream of lighting through her body and paralyzed her.

Karie: Tch! guess it's your turn.

Karie throws Roxas off to the side and goes after Brier.

Brier:Oh crap!

Brier and Karie start clashing swords at the speed of light.

Derek:There going Dbz logic.

We see the surrounding break as they fight at super speed then they reappear with Brier badly bruised and Karie with multiple slashes.

Karie:This is my favorite dress!

Brier:Oh boy!

Brier falls to the ground.

Brier:My cuts are still bleeding?

Karie:Anyone who gets cut by this will bleed continuous. Now you just lay there!

Karie slams Brier into the ground and knocks him out.

Karie:Now then...

Derek:Doom strike!

Derek slams her hard in her side with a mean punch that sends her flying into the building on the other side of the street!


Derek cures Brier of the ailment.

Brier thanks!

Marcel:Uh oh!

Karie comes back and her sword is gone. In fact her whole appearance changed. She is now wearing a Japanese fighting dress like chun -li.

Karie:Street fighter class!
Vacuum wave!

She throws a slice of air at us and knocks us back but Derek.

Derek:Oh I'm gonna enjoy this!

Karie and Derek both lock fists and the ground begins to shake. Marcel Roxas and everybody back away at the brawl that's about to happen.

Derek:meteor slam!

Karie:Stone cutter!

Their attacks connect and the force knocks back Derek and blows back Karie a little.

Roxas:I got you!

Marcel runs in.

Marcel:flurry rush!

Marcel launches a series of Kicks and kick her up in the air.

Roxas then comes in

★Zen headbutt ★

Karie gets blasted in the jaw by the attack and gets slam!ed into the ground!

Marcel & Roxas:Derek and Brier! Now!

Derek goes back into wisdom mode and Brier lifts his hand up his hand and calls thunder. Roxas generates a red energy into his hand and so does marcel.

As Karie gets up we all start to unleash our attacks.

Marcel:Let her have it!


Brier falls forth a thunder dragon and it strikes Karie


Derek:You shall not Pass! Ultimate skill:Sun strike

Derek calls upon the flames of the sun.

Roxas:Burning uppercut!

Roxas uppercut her into the air.

Marcel flies up into the air above Karie and Simmons a giant fire ball. He makes it smaller and shoots Karie with it.

★ Emperor Cannon! ★


Karie lays motionless in the pavement covered in blood bruises and a messed up face.

Brier:Did we win?

Derek:Looks like it.



Roxas:Hey Marcel what's wrong.







Karie picks herself back up from the beating she got.

Brier:How can one girl take all that abuse?!

Derek:This is not good!


shackles wrap around everyone felt for Marcel.

Marcel:Where have I seen this before?

Karie runs up on Marcel while he is deep in thought and punches him up into one of the classrooms.

Marcel:Oh crap I know this!
She is going into Bloodlust mode! I got to Hide!

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