Kariexyandere's story:Iternal Love

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   Shows/games that are being used in her  story:
Valkyrie crusade, guilty crown, to love Ru.

   In Tokyo, lives a girl with a super duper passion for Kidblaze, that girls name is Karie or better known as Yandere Karie or Kariexyandere. Which ever you wanna call it. (To know that story, read Yandere high mysteries - not finished yet) Now she is locked up in a jail, where she is in a coma since a year ago.

Right now, she is having a dream a dream, of awakening.





Karie:Where am I? Nemesis?

Nemesis:Yep. You heard of me?

Karie:But of course! I look up to you.

Nemesis: Oh my! A fan. I'm touched!

Poison claw:This the girl?

Karie:Poison claw from crusade?! What are you all doing here?!

Nemesis: We've come to help you achieve your goal.

Karie:Which is?

Nemesis & Poison claw:Marcel!


Karie:Are you into him?

Poison claw:Not in a relationship.


Karie:How do you plan to help me?

Nemesis: By sharing our power with you.

Poison claw:I always wanted a prodigy! Sure she might die if it doesn't work but...

Karie:If it gets me out, I'll do it!

"They stretch out their hands and energy starts transferring into Karie, making her stronger and changing her appearance."




"A loud explosion comes from solitary confinement."

Prisoner Y broke out! I repeat...!



???:Oh boys!

"The guard takes out his gun and starts firing on the prisoner. He empties his clip and knocks her down clenching her stomach. But not because of pain."

???:Amazing! I can hardly feel them!
And my regent has improved.

Guard:Ah... *screams*


???:hmm I smell my lover.
Wait for me Marcel, I'm coming for our date.

But first I need to ditch these tacky prison clothes. Plus I want to test these new powers of mine.

To be continued...

Marcel:! *Shivers*

Timothy:you okay?

Marcel:I just felt a disturbance I think.


Nah, it's probably nothing!

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