Chapter 40:Staying at the Mikealsons Mansion

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Jennifer P.O.V

I sat in the bed it was quite for a while. Seconds pasted,minutes pasted we sat in silence.

"I'm sorry"

His head turned to me.

"For what?"

"Ha I geuss not believing you"

I faced Elijah.

"You told me that I was your mate. I didn't believe you. Well I didn't want to believe you."


"Cause then if I believed you I would spend more time with you then I would care about you and everyone I care about always... ugh....-"

I looked down at my hands. Fiddle in with them.

"Seems to leave me"

"I can't be killed which means I can't leave you"

"Yeah but then there is where my live is crazy and someone is gonna die if it is you or if it is me"

"Why do you think I will die if I stay with you?"

"Cause everyone around me dies"

"That is not your fault"

"But it is"

"Why do you blame yourself for something you can't control?"

"If I was never born this wouldn't be happening. Maybe if I actually went throw with..."

"With what?"

Images start flooding my mind.

"Maybe if I just dropped dead this would stop. Maybe if I let Klaus use me in the sacrifice-"

Elijah grabbed my face.

"Klaus would never use you in that sacrifice"

"Damon would give me to Klaus me was gonna do that"

Elijah looked at me. I moved my face out of his hands.

"And I mean who would care? Jeremy,....who else? Cause everyone else would be fine as long as Elena is here."

Elijah was gonna say something bit I didn't let him. I interrupted him saying;

"What is the point of living if everything goes to hell and makes you want to die at one point?"

Elijah looked upsey,shocked and sad. 'You have thought about dying? About ending your own life?'

I looked at him confused cause his mouth never moved. Instead of hearing what I thought he said I heard;

"There is always a point to something if it is life,school,family history everything"

"Well my life is nothing but funerals. School is boring and useless never understood why people say school is good for you when at any moment you could die more chance if you life this life."

I just kept talking

"Family...ha...I guess it is Jeremy,Elena,Ric,Tyler and Caroline and Bonnie are like sisters but Carolin and Bonnie don't think of me as their sister, Elena I just think she wants me to drop dead too. Jeremy I am the reason he is in this life me and Elena are the reason he is in this life . Ric he is like a father figure to me and sometimes I think 'Ric take Jeremy with you and run leave don't come back take Tyler take everyone and don't come back'. Tyler my first love,boyfriend,kiss and I wonder if we wind even know eachother if it wasn't for Matt. Then there is Matt he is the only human who can't fight. Tyler is a werewolf,Caroline,Damon,Stefan are vampires, Ric and Jeremy are vampire hunters, Elena has the group to look out for her. And I still think that if none of them never met us they would have a perfect life"

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