A Christmas Memory

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His soft and bouncy green curls sat atop his head as he stared down at the notebook in his hands. He tapped the small pencil against the paper waiting for an idea to pop into his head. Waiting and waiting he started to glance out the bars that caged him inside. These bars are what bound him and forced him to stay behind. No matter how hard he fought against them. The cart bumped up and down on the uneven roads. The others that sat in the cage with him were all in despair or rage. There was nothing to look forward too. Not here where the water hid underground and the sun fried anything that dared to show its face before it. For miles upon miles all you could see was sand and rock.

No birds flew in the sky, no animals ran across the land. There was just nothingness forever, the endless desert was enough to make you lose your mind. Izuku sat in the continuously moving cage. Only watching the sand as it buried what little grass that would peek it's head out. The horses that moved the cage were becoming tired and weary from the long journey.

When the large group finally stopped it was finally becoming nightfall. The temperature started to drop like an iron skillet in water. Frost began to creep up the sand and rocks. It covered everything within a matter of minutes. Many of the men that were present started to shiver and shake from the cold. Only those that had been born in this hell had not been affected by it. The men that roamed free of these steel bars, began to put on several layers, not wanting to freeze to death.

Izuku only watched as many of the others inside the cage slowly died. Their bodies shutting down do to the cold. Only the strong and adapted could withstand it. The strong winds that wiped through the land howled and left one shaking with unease. The young man that once sat beside Izuku was still trying to warm himself. He was young, only five years old. He had so much potential yet he would never see the light of day again.

"C-C-Can..y-y-yo-you t-tell me a s-st-story m-m-mis-mister" The boy stuttered out his teeth chattering together like metal. Izuku could see that this was all the boy wished for, just to have some comfort in this never ending hell.

"Once there lived two boys one was very weak and he couldn't do anything right. The other was a prodigy that out shined everyone that he came across, he was extraordinary." Izuku said while looking up at the stars that shined down on them. The boy next to him smiled slightly at the gesture.

"Those two, no matter how opposite they were, got along pretty well. They played alongside one another, they ran through the woods to find cool and interesting things....nothing in the world could of separated them." Izuku said a slightly sad town weaving its way into his words.

"S-s-so w-wh-what....ha-happ-happened to.....t-th-th-them?" The boy stuttered out as he looked up at Izuku curiously.

"Well...they stood by each other's side. They fought by each other's side, and they always looked out for the other. In the end nothing could tear their bond." Izuku said looking at the child with a sad smile and eyes that were covered in regret and sadness.

"T-th-that's...n-not.......true...." The boy said slowly as he finally released his last dying breath into the night sky. The frost consumed his small bod.

Izuku looked back up to the stars high above. He closed those large green orbs that once held so much life. The fondest and happiest memory he had finally came to his mind as he leaned against the cold steel bars. It was exactly the same in his mind as the day it happened.

The fire crackled and the christmas tree shined brightly. The presents were stacked under the dark green tree neatly. The stockings were hung and the whole house was decorated. A calm and warm loving feeling flowed through the house. Izuku was seated on the floor while he fidgeted around completely ecstatic. The boy beside him was doing the same, two women sat nearby. One had green hair that draped down to her shoulders while the other had ash blond that spiked up in all different directions. The man sitting next to her had brown spiky and had one arm wrapped around the waist of the blonde.

"Aunt Mitsuki Uncle Bakugo can we open our presents yet?" Izuku asked as he continued to fidget around.

"Aunt Inko can we can we!" The boy that sat next to Izuku asked as he looked at the green haired woman. All three of the adults laughed at how desperate the two children looked.

"Go on open 'em up you little shits" Mitsuki said as she leaned onto her husband's shoulder. The two children instantly went to rip open their presents. Goofy smiles plastered onto both of their faces.

After that everyone had breakfast and laughed, it was all fun. That was the last time that everyone was able to get together and have a christmas.

Izuku opened his eyes to looked at the stars high above and he reached up his hand as far as it could go. The only area he could see the stars was through a tear in the top of the cart. Izuku reached his hand up to try and grab a star.

"I know it's not true.....but is it so wrong to....dream....to wish upon a star?" Izuku asked himself whispering the last part as if it were something forbidden.


Hay guys I know this was supper short, but I had a really hard time writing this. Also some of you may have noticed I took down most of the pictures in this story. That's because I don't really want to be suied so I'm just gonna take them down(I don't have permission).  As always I hope you all enjoy and please comment. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, for whatever you celebrate!! :) :) :) :)

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