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Minerva had never met someone so damned awkward. Severus Snape emerged to be more of an introvert and had a better relationship with his History of Magic textbook (almost untouched) than his peers (bruised and battered). 

Although this could be seen as worrying behaviour for a first-year, Minerva accepted that his dorm-mates were frankly bullies and so it either wouldn't make much difference if he was also one, or if he was just getting his revenge. Boys will be boys.

From frequent communication with her fellow colleagues, Minerva discovered that the boy was an adept academic, typically proving to be a genius in everything apart from Transfiguration which he was moderate at, a polite student, and a wannabe Seeker for the Slytherin team, or so she heard. Apparently he was already being trained for the role he would receive once Flint left.


One day in Transfiguration, Snape was asked to wait behind. 

Severus was worried. 

He was never in trouble, and he knew that Professor McGonagall was the strictest of them all. Was it because of when James Potter and Sirius Black had gone for him outside Herbology and Severus had retaliated with the Babbling Curse?

"Mr. Snape, I've noticed you have a bit of trouble with Transfiguration," the professor began. Severus was astonished. A teacher was paying attention to him? That could hardly be good. Given that the boy hadn't replied, Minerva continued. "I feel it would benefit you to come to my office at six on Saturdays, to go through the material again. We can find out what your problem is."

"T-t-thank you, P-professor McGonagall," he stammered in response and raced out of the door, eager to be away. 

Minerva looked concernedly after him. Was she really that frightening? She dearly hoped not.

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