Growing Up

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Severus melted into the background of school life. He disappeared with everyone else for summer holidays, returned for his second year and then for his third, always at the top academically for his year. 

He was very used to the familiar sound of Potter and Black's catcalling by now and reigned in his temper frequently, refusing to be like the furious father he abhorred. He only sparingly used his wand too - not because he never hexed back, but because he didn't need it. Severus had been proficient in wandless magic for years now; it was how he avoided the Trace outside of Hogwarts.

Severus had been determined to hide his new talent, but soon found it impossible when facing the notorious Marauders.


He had been attempting to pass unseen before the Gryffindor tyrants but failed miserably. It was outside, by the hideous Whomping Willow and Severus had been studying for their summer exams.

"Alright, Snivellus?" Black and sneered, and before he knew it, he'd been forced back into the path of the tree's swinging arm by a cruel Knockback Jinx.

There was an almighty THWACK and Severus was launched up into the air; he hit the ground with a thud, vision clouding. Three figures approached, their forms blurry but not indistinguishable. Potter, Black and Pettigrew. Lupin had been cowardly and had not joined in. He was probably safe and snug up in the Gryffindor Common Room, Severus thought bitterly.

Something trickled down from his hairline, presumably blood, and Severus looked up at his classmates, silent and expression full of loathing.

"Still alright, Snape?" Black said leeringly, dancing before his eyes. "Want to get up so we can simply throw you down again?"

How he hated those Gryffindors. He would get up if he could, but past experiences with head injuries had taught him that standing up was a one-way trip to falling over again and not getting up any time soon. He moaned and laid his head down on the cold, hard earth. His long fingers probed his hairline delicately and he found a damp, sticky patch beneath his fingers. He began humming a nonsensical ditty as his fingers worked over his wound and felt the blood slowly disappearing.

"Snape?" It was Potter this time. He sounded discernibly concerned. Maybe thinking that setting Black loose on Severus hadn't been the best plan after all. He turned to his friends, murmuring: "We should probably take him back to school... Somehow."

It was nice to know that they weren't bloodthirsty murderers yet.

Pettigrew was audibly disappointed. "Oh, but it's only Snivellus! And he can heal himself - you saw him!"

Potter turned to his cohort. "Yes, but he is a human being. And he's only removed some blood; I don't think he's as right as rain, Pete."

"He's a vampire," muttered Pettigrew.

"What James is trying to say, Peter, is that it isn't wise to get arrested for murdering Snivellus so early on in our lives. We should wait until we've graduated and then kill him in celebration." Black was positively triumphant.

Potter sounded doubtful. "Sometimes I wonder about your mental state, Siri."

"Siriously?" Black joked.

"Shut up, Sirius," Potter growled. "Let's just get him back to Hogwarts."

"Fine," acquiesced Black. "Know any Hovering Charms?"


Then I'll drag him!"

And with Black's worrying last words, Severus fainted.


A. N. Another chapter for you all. This is dedicated to @silverfire8 for her continued reading of my comments on her stories. Thanks Eliza!

This is a slightly more humorous scene, even if I do say so myself, whereby we see the interactions of the Marauders before they become the more serious bullies they have yet to transform into. Lupin is still uncertain about losing his friends and so is not as easy around them as Pettigrew already is.

Pete is my nickname for Peter and Siri is obviously the nickname for Sirius.

Thank you for reading and please comment!

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