Chapter 3

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Lena was almost finished her second bottle of wine of the evening, because of her arrest Kara had to go with Mikes whole bar fight idea, and she had just come to the realisation that one day really soon Kara would be his wife and she couldn't think of anything worse if she tried. All her life she had been in love with her best friend and up until right this second a little part of her had always thought a romantic relationship would be possible. Suddenly there was a familiar knock on the door before Lena's favourite blonde came strolling into her rather messy apartment which was extremely uncharacteristic for Lena, who at that moment was sprawled across the couch, wine bottle in hand. 

"Are you throwing a pity party without me?" Kara asked laughing as she shoved Lena's body to one side of the couch so she could sit down herself, Lena moaned and glared at Kara as she almost spilled the last drop of wine out of the bottle with her harsh movements. 

"Well its against the rules to invite happy people to pity parties" Lena countered before finishing the bottle of wine and tossing it on the floor, hearing a satisfactory smash as she did so, Kara sighed heavily, Lena was always like this when she had been drinking, she never was a happy drunk, she was more of a lets have an existential crisis drunk.   

"Listen, I know you probably won't remember this in the morning based on how drunk you are but I would like you to be my maid of honour" Kara said happily a smile on her face as she watched Lena digest the information, her brain working a lot slower because of the wine, but her eyes lit up when she realised what Kara was asking of her. 

"Really? me?" Lena's slurred voice asked in confusion, Kara nodded chuckling slightly. As she pulled Lena in for a tight hug. 

"Of course who else would I ask? Who else do I know that would be able to throw the most kickass bachelorette party that National City has ever seen" Kara said giggling when she saw the stunned look on Lena's face. 

"So you don't care that I have a burning hatred for the man that you want to marry?" Lena asked, confused at Kara's thought process through this whole decision, yes, of course her and Kara were best friends and hopefully they always would be seeing as Lena could never have the relationship with Kara that she truly wanted. But Kara had a sister, who was just as if not a lot more awesome than herself, plus she had other friends that according to her loved Mike. 

"Lena lets not make this about him okay, this is about us" Kara said, hoping that with time Lena and Mike would grow to like each other, although deep down Kara knew that was never going to happen, Lena was the most stubborn person Kara had ever met in her entire life and that was saying a lot. 

"What...What, Kara do you not get it? Of course its about him, everything's about him now," Lena slurred pulling away from the embrace Kara currently had her in, staggering to her feet to face Kara who was still sitting dumbfounded on the couch. "God, we can't get through a single conversation anymore without you mentioning his name, its always, Mike this...Mike that." Lena said her eyes slightly closed so the room would stop spinning for a second, or at least slow down a bit. Kara furrowed her eyebrows getting to her own feat, crossing her arms. 

"That's not true-" Kara began, before Lena hastily cut her off. 

"Yes, it is Kara, you know it is" Lena glared at her best friend as best as she could in her sorry state. "And it hurts so much, it hurts me so much" Lena said, the sadness beginning to creep into her voice now as it began to crack. 

"What do you mean it hurts?" Kara asked, confused at what drunk Lena was trying to say, she wasn't good at expressing herself at the best of times never mind right now. 

"You know what I mean!" Lena screamed, the force of her own voice making her stumble a couple of steps back from Kara. who breathed deeply, understanding what Lena was hinting at. "Do you really think that I want to help plan your wedding, how can I do that, when I feel this way?" Lena spluttered, it was now Kara's turn to be angry. 

"I thought for one second you could put your feelings about Mike, about me aside, I thought you could do this one thing that I asked of you but obviously I was wrong." Kara paused, shaking her head slightly, "just forget that I asked you, I'll find someone else, and you know what don't be bother coming to the wedding if you feel that way!" Kara shouted, before storming out of the apartment, slamming the door so hard behind her that the walls trembled. Lena grabbed an empty wine bottle from the table, throwing it at the door, it smashed against the wooden door, sending pieces of glass flying all over the apartment floor. 

Authors Note: 

Hey guys hope you enjoyed that chapter and thank you for all the votes, reads and comments it means a lot!

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