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"Too bad we couldn't do much with the Sirius Black situation..." Julian trailed off with a sigh.

"At least nothing changed from us being here. Nothing changed- right?"

"Besides Voldemort dying, no."

"You're so full of it!" I exclaimed, knocking my shoulder into his.

"Don't break the merchandise," he joked.

He rested his elbow on the Library table, putting his head on his hand. His inquisitive brown eyes met mine.


I pushed my dark brown hair behind my ear, sizing him up. What's he going to say?

"I still can't believe there's a freaking time-traveller apartment in London. Crazy eh?"

"I know," I agreed, my mind wandering to Dumbledore informing us where we'd reside for the holidays.

"In London? Too bad we were targeted before we could gather further information about our task," Julian frowned.

"I agree," I piped up. "We were only just given the time turner the night before, with the intent the next morning to meet up with our superiors."

"Unfortunate." Dumbledore nodded.

"You see- we didn't tell you Dumbledore- but there's a special elite magic force... we trained for months for this task," Julian breathed out, head in his hands.

"We were practically thrusted into making the decision to go early. They hit us with a spell that jinxed our magic. We had no choice, but to..." Julian stopped.

"Thank you for divulging this information to me. The suddenness of your arrival jolted me, but I deem you two trustworthy. So, the-"

"Oy, Jule! You coming?" A male voice enthused behind us.

I turned around to see a white-haired boy. Draco Malfoy. I wasn't unaware to his bullying, so why was Julian hanging around with him? He was two years younger as well...

"Yeah. I'm coming. I gotta go Rory."

I sent Julian a questioning look, mouthing 'really'.

He shrugged, picking up his textbook and messing up my hair swiftly. I scrunched my nose, leaning away from him. My eyes met blue eyes from behind.

"You have a problem Night?" Draco asked.

"Not particularly. Do you want to give me one?"

Oh wait- he was a 'mud blood' hater. Our identity of 'Night' is our human father. So why exactly was Draco hanging out with Julian?

"Don't be snarky Rory," Julian shushed.

"I like it." Draco smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "Are you into BDSM as well?"

"We both are, it's a part of the Slytherin tradition," Julian jested.

"Then why wasn't I sorted into Slytherin?" I questioned with a frown.

Julian busted into laughter, trying to stifle it from the Librarian. A confused Draco Malfoy eyed the both of us.

"What's BDSM- is it uh, Brooms... Dark, S...Spells, Magic?"

I giggled.

"So... Rory? Are you interested in Quidditch?" George asked.

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