Chapter 4

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[Deerscar's POV]

I felt Sweetdeath's claws dig into my neck as I struggled against her. She wasn't that strong, but I saw Cheetahpelt and Icehowl struggling as well with Tinystar and Witheredsoul's claws in their necks. I didn't want to get them in more trouble. Cheetahpelt would never help us again if he got too hurt.

"Now, the three of you will listen to me." Tinystar started. As she started to talk, I saw something in the corner of my eye. It seemed to be a black wisp with red eyes. A Phantom. What was a Phantom doing here? Was it something to do with SmallClan? "You three will not harm my warriors anymore! I will punish all three of you myself if I see this happening again. Did you see what happened to Lightstorm? The same thing that happened to her will be like kit's play if you disobey me again!" Tinystar growled shoving Icehowl's face into the ground.

I didn't want to agree with the tyrant, but even my other brother, Volenose, had come to agree with her. I also didn't want Icehowl to get hurt anymore. He was bleeding, but he managed to keep fighting. I wanted to keep fighting, but Tinystar just kept pushing us down more. It was getting so hard.

"In your dreams." Icehowl hissed, kicked his feet at Tinystar which got her off of his neck, and then jumped back up to his paws.

His teeth were bared as he looked at the rest of the Dark Forest warriors. Witheredsoul quickly got off of Cheetahpelt to go and help Tinystar back up. I quickly kicked Sweetdeath off of me and ran toward Icehowl. I saw Wolfkit scamper back toward the nursery. It was good that she was going to be okay.

More of the Dark Forest warriors got around Tinystar to defend her. Sweetdeath and Witheredsoul stood next to the tyrant. Volenose and Riversand quickly jumped to attack us. Volenose tackled Cheetahpelt and clawed at his sides. Riversand growled and slashed toward my face but I moved back so he couldn't get me. I quickly lashed out at his foreleg hoping to to injure him enough so he couldn't attack us again.

"We don't have a lot of time to keep attacking. There isn't a lot of us." Icehowl mumbled to me as he attacked one of the Dark Forest warriors. He clawed at the tom's face hoping to blind him.

"What are we going to do? We can't let them win but we can't win!" I complained as I saw Cheetahpelt getting tackled by another Dark Forest warrior. He was now attacking two cats.

"Run!" Icehowl yowled toward Cheetahpelt and I.

My eyes widened but I followed him quickly as he headed out of the camp. Cheetahpelt stayed behind me. As we got to the camp's entrance, Icehowl quickly stopped. I tried to look around him to see what was happening and why he stopped, but then I saw that there was no chance we were running away right now. At worst, we would be killed. At the best, we would be captured.

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