Chapter 6

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[Maskedstar's POV]

Malvago was a darling and found out that DepthClan was already having an internal war. I had sent her to do some sneaking around the camp and figure out the weak points, but it didn't matter once I heard that they were fighting each other. This was going to be fun.

Once we got to the camp, I stopped at the camp entrance. I could see three cats trying their best to fight against the Dark Forest. I smirked and watched as the white furred tom shouted to the other two to run. I knew that tom. He was the one that killed Sagecall. He was going to pay, but I knew they could be useful.

"Get those three. I want them alive and locked down in the camp." I whispered to Morte who was standing next to me. He just nodded and whisked away to the side of the camp entrance so they wouldn't see him right away.

The three cats ran toward the camp entrance with the Dark Forest warriors tailing them closely. The white tom was the first one to get through the camp entrance. He quickly skidded to a halt as he saw my warriors standing behind me. The other two stopped behind him. This was going to be fun. I licked my fangs and smirked.

"SmallClan, attack them. Take no mercy!" I yowled and watched as Morte quickly got the three warriors out of the way. I didn't know how he was doing it, but he was doing it somehow. I never could understand those Phantoms, but I was grateful for them.

My clanmates charged into the camp. I was the last one to enter it from my clan except Starlingcall who stayed out of the camp in case anyone got injured. He didn't know how to fight too well, but I could see the passion in his eyes that he just had to see the fight. If I could teach him some moves, he would be more useful than any old medicine cat.

My eyes caught Tinystar right away. She had a dirt coated wound on her shoulder, and she seemed to be relying on Witheredsoul, who stood next to her. Her amber eyes settled on mine. I could see the anger within them. Witheredsoul looked between the two of us. I saw someone who I didn't expect to see come up next to Tinystar. Maplesnow was actually on the side of the Dark Forest. Interesting.

"DepthClan! Don't let them hurt you! Fight back with all you have!" The small tyrant yowled into the air for her warriors to hear. She leaned against Maplesnow for a moment then the tom scampered off toward the nursery.

Oh yes, the nursery. I had almost forgotten the Dark Forest's leader had kits. She would get very upset if something were to happen to them. I just smirked to myself and saw Swiftriver run past me.

"Swiftriver, cover my form for a moment. I have some cats I need to get." I whispered to the shecat and slipped away from the main fight toward the nursery.

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