Chapter 5

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[Foxkit's POV]

Mother was acting so strange recently. I barely got to even see father anymore. He used to stop in the nursery every day to see me and her. I wished I could see him again, but mother didn't let me out of the nursery without her close by.

I looked at the other kits in the nursery. They were so lucky. They could explore the camp without their mother following behind them every step of the way. I wanted to go out and play with them, but it seemed impossible. They would never let me play if they knew my mother would come and watch us as well.

Desertkit was rather nice to me, along with her brother Wolfkit. I wanted to be able to talk to them more, but since they only had a moon before they became apprentices, they stayed in the camp wandering.

I wondered who their mentors would be. There were seven warriors that could be their mentors. There were five kits, but then there would be three left in the nursery. I figured that Thawpuddle would have to mentor someone after her kits became apprentices.

I could see a brave cat like Spottedkit getting a good mentor like my father. I had heard a lot of things about him. I hoped he would get an apprentice he could be proud of. Robinheart was also really brave from what I heard. He was Flashstar's apprentice and Silverstar's apprentice. He was the first one to find Flashstar dead and still held himself together.

For Wolfkit, I thought of someone who was fast paced and smart. He would need one of the older warriors. I thought maybe Brightfire could teach him or maybe if he was lucky he could get Venomstar. Either of them would be good for the tom. Venomstar was stuck up at times, but really smart. Brightfire knew how to encourage others.

A mentor for Desertkit would have to be someone who understood others and could see every side of the story. I was thinking maybe Sandywing for her, even if I didn't know the warrior too well. Sandywing seemed really understanding the one time I talked to her.

Jaykit would have to get someone who wasn't afraid of what could happen if he did something. I was thinking that even if Heronwing was young, he could probably mentor the tom. They would be capable and might get a lot done that way.

The last kit, Snowkit, would need someone who was soft but strong. She would need a mentor that seemed sweet but could easily rip your eyes out if you stepped out of place. I didn't know the warriors too well, but Cherrywisp seemed really sweet. She had a strong attitude, but always stayed with Heronwing. I had never seen her fight, and I hoped I wouldn't, but I knew I would.

War was going to happen again soon. It was unavoidable. It was only a matter of time until it happened again and got more cats hurt. We already lost a lot of cats. We couldn't loose more. 

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