Chapter 28

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[Darkfeather's POV]

Why do those two toms always have to be by her side? I am her mate for the sake of the Dark Forest! I should be the one next to her. I should be the one that is the father figure for those two kits, but of course not. Witheredsoul and Maplesnow were the two father figures. No, I was not hurt by this choice, I was just confused by it. I never liked those two toms from the beginning. Anyways, it wouldn't be long until Tinystar had my kits that I could be the real father. She wasn't pregnant at the moment, but i hoped sometime soon. 

"All cats old enough to gather their own prey gather beneath Depth Stone." Tinystar yowled. 

I crawled up next to her and glared at Maplesnow as he tried to stay next to her. I still don't trust that tom at all. His heart was too pure to be on this side of the war. Witheredsoul gave me a small look as i stepped up to Tinystar's side, but he didn't say anything. The three of us knew to keep this internal war away from Tinystar. No matter how close we were to her, she would still skin us all alive. 

"Maplesnow, Witheredsoul. Will you two be kind enough to bring the three prisoners out? Thank you." Tinystar said keeping her head up as everyone gathered. 

I could see the family of those accused already headed to the front, but everyone kept a wide circle around the stone for the prisoners to stay. They were scared of Tinystar, and it was a good thing. The more they were scared, the less they would rebel. 

"Today we gather here to punish these three warriors for causing a rebellion under my paws. This is what happens when a rebellion happens in my clan." She growled and pounced down right in front of the three prisoners. 

Tinystar kept her haunches tight and paced back and forth in front of the three. I could see no visible fear in their eyes. They were strong, but it wouldn't last long. Tinystar's eyes gazed up at me for a second, and I just gave her a small nod toward the female of the group. She smirked and stopped in front of the shecat. 

"Deerscar, how much pain do you think you can handle before your dearest brother repents from his ways?" She growled with her claws scrapping against the pebbles that had fallen from the stone. 

The shecat squirmed and looked to her brother quickly. As her eyes went back to Tinystar, claws swiped out at her face. She screamed out in pain as blood quickly pooled out of the scratches. One of them was at the eye. That had to be painful. 

"Do not hurt her!" Icehowl hissed and quickly stepped in front of his sister. He was a brave one. i jumped down next to my mate and stared at Icehowl. 

"Would you rather be the one hurt? That can be arranged easily." I hissed holding up a paw with my claws unsheathed next to his eyes. Deerscar had her left eye hurt. I would hurt his right eye. 

"I'm not scared of you." He spat. I just smirked and struck my claws across his eyes leaving him to howl in pain. 

"You should be for I am a creature of the Dark Forest. I have no regret. I have no feelings except revenge and a thirst for blood. I have no problem killing all of you right now. The only thing stopping me is Tinystar. Hurt her, and I will hurt you ten times worse." I hissed and stalked behind Tinystar. She just gave me a small glare and shook her head, but I could see the smile behind her snarl. 

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