Chapter 26

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[Smokekit's POV]

I curled up next to my mother and siblings. She was still sleeping. I looked at Goldkit, Wolfkit, and Leafkit.

"How about we have some fun before everything goes hectic? I mean, we are kits and we should be able to do more stuff then just sit here." I said flicking my tail. It was boring just sitting here.

"Then what are we going to do?" Goldkit asked. The golden tom sat up and looked around the camp. "It's not like we can go and play in the clearing. We will get yelled at if we do that."

"How about we go and talk to some of the other warriors? We don't know much about father." Leafkit smiled brightly.

She was always so chipper, but also the first to say something about father. All of our ears went flat for a moment.

"Well, maybe not a warrior. We can't talk to Cheetahpelt about it, but there are two elders. Shinyfall is someone else we can ask, but she's probably too worried about her mate." Wolfkit said keeping her head in the air.

"That might work. We can ask them stories about our father, and maybe even get to hear about his siblings!" I giggle and lead the group of kits after me. I turned around and I saw Spokenkit and Nightkit following along.

"We want to hear about our mother too." Spokenkit spoke up.

"And the cats we are named after. We were only told so much." Nightkit spoke up quietly.

I nodded my head and flicked my tail for them to follow as well. We all headed into the den and saw Sunflare already awake. She blinked her eyes at all of us and nudged Branchtail a bit.

"What are you all needing?" She asked up sitting back so we could all enter the den.

"We were wondering if we could learn anything about the five, mainly our parents if you can do that." I said looking back at the rest of us.

We were the only ones with a parent still alive. Sure, we only had a mother who was worn out all he time, but we still had someone there for us. Spokenkit and Nightkit has no one. Their older siblings were basically all evil now.

"Well little ones, I would love to, but I never knew them that well. I knew your father the best out of any of them." She said looking toward Spokenkit and Nightkit.

"How did you two meet?" Spokenkit asked quickly with her eyes wide with hope. I could see Goldkit looking back into the clearing to make sure we still had time before Tinystar woke up.

"Well, I was in a different clan and he was looking for SmallClan to bring them back. He knew how much Flamefur wanted to go back and visit them, but never got around to it, so he thought he would just bring the clan back with him. We saw how much of a better way the world could be and followed him. I actually had my kits on the way back with him and my mate." She smiled.

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