Chapter 15

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[Heronwing's POV]

Tigerfur had just died in front of us. He was no longer breathing. It was a shock to me that the old tom died. He always pushed himself to help the clan. He didn't show any signs of any kind of sickness. He just collapsed as his breathing got more ragged.

"Heronwing, I need you to go back to the camp now and get more warriors. The TideClan warriors are getting closer, and it seems to be a good number of them. I will try and hold them off for a while, but it won't be possible for long." Robinheart's sudden forced words rang into my ears.

I just looked at the ginger tom that took a step in front of the dead tom. He looked like he was going to protect Tigerfur's body until we could get it to camp safely, but at the same time he wasn't going to get warriors from other clans past him. I knew that he wasn't going to be able to hold them off, but I was too scared to say anything. I just bowed my head and headed toward the camp as quick as I could. There was no way I was going to let Robinheart face this all by himself. I would bring the whole clan if I had to.

I leaped over a fallen tree and looked at my surroundings. If I went to the left it would get me there quicker, but it was much more dangerous going that way. If I went to the right, it would be a bit slower, but it would be more safe. That path had been traveled a lot by several different warriors throughout the seasons. I had to pick quickly, but I chose the right path. I didn't want to get slowed down by anything dangerous in case it slowed down the whole time in general.

I hoped the other two patrols would be back by now. It was rare that we sent out more than one patrol at a time just in case we got attacked, but as it neared leaf-bare, we needed more food than what we had. The cold season wasn't even half a moon away. The chilling air was already upon us foreshadowing a harsh leaf-bare.

It would be my first leaf-bare with MapleClan. In the past, I had just had it with my mate and my family. I was actually born around the leaf-bare time, but not during it. I knew there would be some kits during the leaf-bare time that wouldn't make it if they were born during it. I just feared that the clan would get too small if the kits didn't make it.

At the moment, we had a good number of kits, but not enough warriors to train them all at the same time. I knew I would have an apprentice soon, and I couldn't wait for it. I wanted to train someone young the ways that I learned.

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