Chapter 22

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[Witheredsoul's POV]

I woke up next to Tinystar, Maplesnow, Acornkit, and Silentkit. I may or may not have been really close to Maplesnow, but thankfully he was still asleep. I just scooted away from him and looked after the four of them. They were peacefully sleeping, and I would get my whiskers cut if I woke up Tinystar.

This group was my family more than my real family was. They looked after me and protected me, of course with the help of Aquaclaw. I wished he was still alive to see this. He could be here with us, guarding the clan and being great with us. We would be able to convince him to join us. He was smart enough to chose the winning side.

There was no fighting against the Dark Forest. It was just easier to join them instead of fighting. I wished my brother and sister saw that fact. Everyone else saw it, just not them. I looked at the prisoners den and shook my head at the sleeping forms of my siblings.

"Please just join the winning side. I don't want to hurt you." I whispered to myself and pawed at the ground. It made me nervous what could happen to them once Tinystar woke up. "I don't want to hurt anyone else." I mumbled to myself almost unconsciously.

I quickly checked on my sleeping friends to make sure they were sleeping, and they were which was good for me. If Tinystar heard that, no wonder what would happen to me. I could be thrown in the prisoners den, not that I thought she would.

I was her best friend and deputy. We were both the outcasts of our family and now the strongest ones. We had more in common than anyone else. Dark Forest, we even had liking Aquaclaw in common. I just never told her that. I didn't know how to bring it up.

I looked at their kits and sighed. They were another reason on which I would never bring it up. How could I tell some kits that looked up to me like a father, that I'm not their father but I liked their father a lot.

When Tinystar had told me she was pregnant with Aquaclaw's kits, my heart broke a little on the inside. I knew he was never going to pay me the same attention he gave Tinypaw at the time, but I still had that small piece of hope that things could be different, that he could actually like me instead of her.

I guess I'll never get to find out if he did or not. It's not like I'll get to see him anytime soon if ever. I had done too much evil already to go to StarClan when I die, and I'll never get my nine lives. Tinystar was well guarded. She wouldn't be hurt that easily if I was around to say otherwise.

Just as I open my mouth to say something, I see Tinystar stir and open her eyes. I quickly close my mouth and nudge her slightly. I'm happy she didn't hear my say what I was going to say. I would have my pelt ripped off.

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