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IM BACK! My goodness I've been gone so long. I've wanted to begin writing again for the past few weeks but I was busy. Now I'm back, emotionally stable, and ready to write again <3. I plan to rewrite the whole story so far AND complete it. Now I know I shouldn't give myself a deadline because I am TERRIBLE at following them but I think now is a good time to have one. I will post the whole rewritten story, beginning to end, by FEBRUARY 1ST. I'll keep the already written chapters posted but I won't update anything until that date hits. I apologize if that seems like a long time especially after me being inactive for so long but I just want to make sure I don't rush through things. In the meantime, I'll post small teasers until February and who knows, maybe I will finish early and if that is the case I will move the date.

A few things I plan to change in the rewrite is names, amount of "smutty" scenes, and point of views. I also want to change the focus of the story. Yes, this new rewrite will include romance with a side of steamy but I want to go back to my original idea of who Rose is. She's supposed to be a strong, independent woman who's gone through hell and has come out as queen. I feel as if that image has strayed in the pursuit of "building" her relationship with the twins. In the end, things are going to change and hopefully you guys will like those changes. Your comments have really inspired me and have challenged me in a good way. Thank you guys so much for reading and supporting. This story has gotten over 70K views and that makes me feel so giddy inside!

PS: As usual, I like to ask for your opinions so here are a few topics:

-New names

-Less or more hot scenes?

Vote, view, follow or do what you please and have a lovely day(or rest of the night if you're like me and are reading on Wattpad at some ungodly hour while everyone else is asleep)!

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