Evil Doesn't Die

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House 59, Block - 05
8:00 PM

" You know what?! I never saw an evil like you. You will rot in hell, Hudson." He said.

" Well, I will take that as my compliment." Hudson said.

" By God, I swear I would've killed you long back. Why didn't Flynn Campbell do that earlier? You don't deserve to live." He said.

" I know all of it but he is a fool to spare my life every time what can I do with that?" Hudson said.

" Remember one thing if someone is capable of killing you but not doing that and every time leaving you to live freely that doesn't mean he is fool, that means he is giving you chance to live your life. Trust me if you cross the line he will give you a death that you will regret of your birth in this world." He said to Hudson. Hudson was enraged at once. Hudson pointed his gun at him.

" No use. You won't kill me. If you kill me you can't reach them that easily and remember Hudson you are a deserter criminal. Police of 3 countries are already after you. If I don't help you this time you will be grounded under 10 feet ground soon. Cause, there is a wanted mark on your face, even they ordered to shot you just the sight of you." He said. Hudson put down the gun. He took a deep breath to calm down himself.

" This is just a game for us." Hudson said.

" Game for Flynn Campbell and Race for you." He said.

" What?!" Hudson said with stern voice.

" Don't raise your voice at me. One call from me will make you dead at once." He said. " And do you know why it's race for you and game for him?!!" He asked. Hudson made an irritated face.

" Cause, it's a game which Flynn Campbell is playing with you. This game is his, it's rules are his and triumph? That's too his. He already has won and made you the horse in his game. I horse without a jockey who doesn't know where to go, who lost his direction. You know what he knows he is not playing but he will still win. But you like a blind pathetic human being not even know that in the end you will be the one who will lose." He said.

" You bloody cheap producer. Don't forget Jayson Wilbert, who I am. I think it's time to show you and remind you of that." He said.

" I do remember who I am and what is my limit but you forget. I know I am nothing but you don't want to admit that you are nothing though you know that." Jayson said.

" You are flying so high. Don't forget about your mom. I still have her and can do anything with her." Hudson said.

" You no need to be tensed about my mom, Hudson. Think about yourself. Cause, your last days are very near. You are flying so high." Jayson said.

" Shut your hell mouth." Hudson said.

" Why feeling worst? Truth is Al bitter you like it or not. Truth won't change by your shouting at me. I won't tell you to stop this cause I too want to see your end." Jayson said.

" Don't you want Stella?" Hudson asked.

" Listen, Hudson, I am not a stupid. I will not even try to mess with Anderson and Campbell. They can destroy me in a blink. Why will I take risk!!! I admit I had a thing for her but it was childish thing. I know Stella from the beginning. She is very nice person. She deserves the best. I am not the best. Flynn and Stella deserve each other. Besides they love each other crazily. Who am I to stop them?! And do you think I can stop them? I will live my life happily without Stella than losing my life running after her. Think before you do something. Still there is time stop your nasty game." Jayson said. " Oh, sorry. Whom am I talking to!!! A dog is better than you. If someone keeps a dog and brings it up then even that dog will remain sincere and faithful to it's owner and look you killed the person who saved you from being caught and starving in the street." He said with immense hatred in his eyes.

" They fu*king killed my son." Hudson roared.

" It was an accident." Jayson shouted more loudly. " Don't think I am a foolish. I researched about you these days. You are a fu*king serial killer. You even killed the family who saved you once. And your son!!! He was drunk and driving. The post​ mortem report says your son had high number of alcohol in his body. Then he was driving on full speed, he speeded up crazily. It isn't easy for a truck loaded with things stop instantly. You and I both know it very well Hudson that you are mentally sick. You need help and you should be in mental asylum." Jayson said. Hudson laughed.

" You will regret, Hudson. You will regret your life." Jayson said.

" Ok, let's see, Jayson. Let's see how Flynn makes me regret my life you know I am also eagerly waiting for this thing. I will love to see him making me regret my life." Hudson said.

" After 100 Dracula died you might have born. This why you are this blood sucker. You don't feel ashamed what you have done? And your daughter? Doesn't she hate you?" Jayson asked.

" Don't pull my daughter here." He said.

" Why so? Doesn't she know how her dad is? Oh, it will be great then to inform her how cruel killer her dad is, right? Her world will be upside down. What your daughter will think when she will come to know that? Her heart will be broken. She will kill herself. She will hate you from depth of her heart." Jayson said and laughed.

" Dare you take my daughter's name with your filthy mouth!!!" Hudson hold his collar.

" Oh, what was her name!! Ummm, yes Victoria Payton right? Why does she not have your surname? Oh!!! You hide yourself from her?! How exciting!! It will be very interesting to let her know that. I will be very happy to do it." Jayson said smirkingly removing hands from his collar.

" Jayson Wilbert!!!" Hudson said.

" Ok, now let me tell you one thing, my name is not Jayson Wilbert. Denzel Stanfield." Jayson said.

" What?!!" Hudson asked.

" Hudson, you don't even have any idea what the biggest mistake you have done messing up with me. Cause, evil doesn't die. If you are evil then I am not a little baby. You have my mom otherwise I would have told you who I am." He said and walked out of the room.

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