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3rd person

After a few more hours, Martin and Dan still hadn't had any more news on Phil.

As Dan was about to fall asleep in his chair, he heard a man talk. He jumped back up as if he hadn't almost just fallen asleep.

Doctor: Anyone here for Phil Lester?

Dan and Martin stood up and Dan studied the doctors face. He looked serious and sympathetic. This couldn't be good.

Doctor: If you'd both like to follow me.

Martin raised his eyebrow questioningly and followed the doctor with Dan by his side. The doctor leads them to an empty room with a sofa. He motions them to both sit down and once they have, Martin hurls his questions.

Martin: Why are we in here? What's wrong with my brother?

Doctor: I'm afraid I have some bad news. Is Phil's girlfriend here yet? Any other family members?

Martin: No, I don't thinks she's been informed yet. And they won't be here for a while.

The doctor pauses and looks at Dan sadly as Dan was already crying.

Doctor: I'm sorry to tell you that Phil didn't make it. He had a bleed in his brain and we tried our best to stop it but we couldn't save him in time. I'm terribly sorry for your loss.

For the second time today, Dan froze. He didn't know how to react. Martin ran out if the room, slamming the door on his way out. Dan continued sitting on the sofa, staring into space unable to comprehend that his best friend...

...was dead.

Phil was dead. D-E-A-D. Dan would never be able to hear his laugh again. Dan would never be able to see him smile, the way his eyes lit up and his tongue picked out slightly. Dan would never be able to tease him when Phil ate his cereal again. So many things that he never realised he loved, until it was ripped away from him. So many things he'd taken for granted while they were both arguing.

Doctor: Would you like to see him?

Dan nodded emotionlessly. He had to see him. It had to sink in somehow.

The doctor lead Dan down a corridor and they got to a door. The doctor left Dan to go in alone. He slowly pushed the door open and on a table in the middle of the room covered by a sheet, was Phil. Dan unsteadily walked towards the table. Maybe it wasn't Phil under the sheet. Or maybe it was but he'd open his eyes and laugh at Dan thinking he was actually dead. This must've been a sick twisted joke.

Dan moved the blanket and gasped. Phil's eyes were closed and his skin was sickly pale. There were a few bruises here and there too. Phil looked like he was just sleeping. Like he could wake up at any given time. But Dan knew deep down, that he was never going to wake up.

This is when it all sunk in. Dan collapsed onto his knees in front of the table and cried for what felt like forever. But no matter how hard he cried, he couldn't reverse the time. Phil would still be dead when he left the hospital. He'd still be dead when he got back to the apartment. He would still be dead for the rest of Dan's life.

And that was the worst part. A life without Phil.

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