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3rd person

Louise: So how have you both been? It's been ages since we last met up!

Phil: Yeah, we've been a bit busy. Haven't we Dan?

Dan was too concentrated on his own thoughts to hear Phil. Phil called his name again, louder, but Dan didn't hear a thing. Dan was just staring into the walls barely blinking. Louise and Phil looked at each other and Phil shook Dan's arm.

Phil: Dan?

Dan: Hm?

Phil: You just blanked out.

Dan: Oh right. Sorry. You were saying?

Phil: *worried* Are you over working yourself?

Dan: Over working myself? Why would I be?

Phil: *obvious* Because of the book.

Dan: The book? OH! The book, right! No I'm fine.

Dan realised that Phil was talking about the amazing book is not on fire. The book was going to be released in October this year apparently. Dan couldn't deal wth this. There was something wrong. Really wrong. Dan shouldn't be here. He should be trying to figure out why he got sent back to over two and a half years ago.

Dan: I'm going to go outside for a minute to get some fresh air.

When Dan had left, Louise turned to face Phil slightly confused.

Louise: What's wrong with him?

Phil: I'm not sure. He got up really early and I found him pacing in the living room and then he said he wasn't ill but he's been acting really weird all day. It's like he's in a daze. He also had a massive panic attack this morning. It was worse than his usual one. Much worse.

Louise: Have you asked him if there's something bothering him?

Phil: Yes but he won't tell me. He's keeping something from me, I can see it in his eyes.

Louise: Did you tell him that you like him?

Phil: *smiles sadly* No.

Louise: Were you ever planning on doing so?

Phil: Not now. I think he's going through some sort of breakdown so now's really not the time.

Louise: Maybe I should go and talk to him. I can use my mum powers to get him to tell me what's wrong. I don't want to worry too much if it's something Dan made more dramatic than it actually is. You know how he is.

Phil: You won't tell him will you?

Louise: Of course not. That's your job for when you think it's right.

Louise left to chase after Dan, leaving Phil in her apartment.

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