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3rd person

Dan's eyes snapped open. Where the hell was he? He couldn't see anything, only whiteness. Was he dead? Did he go to heaven? Dan laughed to himself. He was so not going to go to heaven. Dan walked around, trying to see anything. It was like he was floating because every step he took, he couldn't feel his legs touching the floor.

As Dan was about to give up, everything around him became staticky and then he felt himself falling. He was falling so quickly. Or was he flying upwards? He couldn't tell as his surroundings stayed the same. Dan closed his eyes, screaming. He wanted this hell to stop.

Once he couldn't feel the falling sensation anymore, Dan opened his eyes again. He was in a room. Wait...it was his old room. What the hell was going on? Dan turned the lamp on that was next to him and looked around his room. This room was the one from the old apartment that Dan and Phil shared. Why was he here?

Dan stood up and looked at his wrists, expecting to see 4 cuts. There was nothing there, only faint white lines. He looked at his clothing. He was wearing the black clothes from Phil's funeral. In his pocket, was his phone. His 2017 phone. Why was Dan here? Dan felt so lost.

Dan saw a calendar in the corner of his room and went to go check it, expecting it to say 10th December 2017. What he saw, shocked him and left him speechless.

It was March 7th 2015. WHAT?!

Dan fell backwards, hitting his leg against his bed. He thought he was going to pass out. March 7th 2015? That was impossible. He must be dreaming. Maybe he didn't die after all. He pinched himself and winced when he felt the pain on his left arm.

He wasn't dreaming.

He heard a sound on the table next to his bed and he went to go check it. It was 4:32am and he'd had a message from twitter, he probably forgot to turn the volume off. But that wasn't his phone. That was his old phone. His actual phone was in his pocket. The tweet wasn't anything important but Dan couldn't wrap his brain around what was happening. He was in his old room, with his old phone and the date was March 7th 2015.

Had Dan travelled back in time? How was that possible? Was his life flashing before his eyes? How could he pick up the things in his room if that was true?

Dan couldn't figure it out. He needed answers.

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