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Phil's POV

We got to the coffee shop and ordered our drinks. I told Dan to go find seats and that I would bring the drinks back.

Once I'd picked up the drinks I found Dan sitting by a table, he was on the phone with someone. I listened to the half conversation.

Dan: No I haven't. I will but I don't know when. No. I'm good. Ok bye Louise. Thanks.

Dan hung up and I start worrying a bit. Louise? She didn't tell him did she?

Phil: That was Louise?

Dan: Yes. She just called to check up on me.

Phil: Hm. How's the picture sorting out going for the book?

Dan: Fine. I almost cringed at all the young Dan pictures but I got through it eventually.

We talked for a couple of hours, ordering more coffee. I enjoyed being in Dan's presence. There was something about him that was just so perfect. I couldn't bare the thought of not seeing him everyday. Once we'd finished our second drinks, I mustered up all the courage I could possibly find and asked Dan if he wanted to go on a walk.

Phil: Do you want to go on a walk to the park? You don't have to, I just thought it'd be nice as the sun will be setting soon.

Dan: *smiles* Yeah ok.

We threw our cardboard cups into the bin and left the coffee shop. We walked for a bit, still talking. It was like we could never run out of topics to talk about.

We got to a bench after walking for 20 minutes. We both sat down and watched the sun setting. It was a very beautiful scene.

Now was the time before I chicken out.

Phil: Dan?

Dan: Yes?

Phil: Can I tell you something?

Dan looked at me with fear in his eyes. I couldn't comprehend why. Why would he be scared? He didn't even know what I was going to tell him yet.

Phil: Promise it won't affect our friendship?

Dan: *uncomfortable* Ok?

Phil: I-I-

I sigh in frustration, I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I thought about what I was going to say and then I looked at Dan with a serious expression.

Phil: I really like you. I like you as more than a friend. I have for awhile but I never had the guts to tell you. I wanted to tell you now because I couldn't keep ahold of it any longer.

His expression made me regret saying that.

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