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3rd reason

Dan didn't know what to do. He left his room and went downstairs, pacing the living room with his head in his hands.

Dan: This can't be real. Why am I here?

Dan heard someone open the door and he looked up to see Phil looking at him confused.

Phil: I heard you walking around. Why are you up so early? It's only 5.

The blood drained from Dan's face. Phil was standing there right in front of him, alive. What sort of twisted mind did he have to conjure this up? Was he hallucinating all of this? Had he gone mad?

Phil: Dan, are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost. Also, why are you wearing a black suit? You look like you're going to a funeral.

Dan's mind laughs at him. If only Phil knew how ironic he was being.

Dan: I-I'm fine.

Phil: Are you ill?

Phil walked up to Dan and pressed his hand on Dan's forehead. Dan flinched slightly but it didn't seem that Phil noticed.

Phil: You feel a bit warm but not too bad. What's wrong?

Dan: I think I'm going to be sick.

Phil: Oh, do you need me to-

Dan looked up at Phil, still unable to believe that he was standing there alive. His hands started shaking and his breathing hitched. Dan was having a panic attack. It had been years since he last had one. Phil looked very worried and guided Dan to the couch. Dan sat down and Phil leaned down in front of him, supporting him.

Phil: Oh my god. Dan sit down for a minute and breathe. Big deep breaths. There we go. Keep breathing okay? You're doing fine.

Dan tried to sort out his breathing but his lungs weren't having any of it. His mind was the worst part. His brain couldn't wrap around what was happening. Dan started to cry and he rocked himself backwards and forwards trying to calm himself down. Phil was holding his arm. Dan could feel him holding his arm. He wasn't a ghost and neither was Dan. Was he in heaven? Where they were both dead?

Phil: Dan breathe. You're alright. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere.

That calmed Dan down a bit. Phil wasn't going anywhere, he was right there in front of him. Even if this was his imagination, Dan didn't want to waste time with this Phil, whether he was real or not.

Dan's hands slowly stopped shaking and his breathing came back to a steady pace. He was still crying a bit, but he didn't really care. Phil had seen him cry multiple times before, even if it was only 2015.

Phil: You okay now?

Dan: *nods* I'm alright.

Phil: Good. Now explain what the heck just happened.

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