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Dan paused, not sure what to say. He couldn't tell Phil the truth. That would give him a one way ticket to crazy town.

Dan: Nothing. I just had a bad dream, that's all.

Phil: *doubtful* You get bad dreams most nights, why was that one so bad?

Dan: *excuse* I don't really want to talk about it.

Phil: Ok. You sure you're alright now? I don't want to leave you if you're going to freak out again.

Dan: I'm honestly fine.

Phil: Ok. I'm going to go back to bed okay?

Dan nodded and Phil went back upstairs. Dan waited until Phil's door was firmly shut and then she started pacing the floors once again. This was a nervous habit of Dan's. Dan pushed his hand through his hair and paused. His hair was straight.

This was really happening.

Dan shook his head in confusion and went back to bed. He lied on his bed in his old room and tried to get some sleep. Everything felt so familiar but so different. Dan was a different person now. The 10 days without Phil had broken him.

He could sort this out in the morning, if he was still here.

Phil woke up and remembered what happened earlier this morning. Phil was worried about Dan. Phil had never seen Dan so distraught and scared in his life. It was 10:27am so Phil decided to go downstairs and make a coffee for Dan, Phil felt like he needed it.

Once Phil had made the coffee, he walked back upstairs and knocked on Dan's door. Nobody answered so Phil opened the door to see Dan sleeping. Phil placed the coffee on the table next to Dan and started shaking Dan. Dan's eyes opened and he looked at Phil confused. Phil wondered why Dan was looking at him so weirdly.

Phil: I made you a coffee, it's on the table next to you.

Dan: T-Thanks.

Phil: Dan...are you sure you're alright? You're acting weird.

Dan: I'm fine.

Phil: *doubtful* Did you take your medication?

Dan: Not yet.

Phil: Why not?

Dan: I forgot. I'll do it later.

Phil: Ok. I'll make sure you do so don't try and get out of it.

Dan nods and looks as if he's about to say something. He closes his mouth and looks down at the floor. Phil leaves his room. Was that why Dan was acting oddly? Because he didn't take his medication? No, it couldn't be. Dan looked scared. He looked at Phil as if he was going to vanish into thin air.

What was he so afraid of?

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