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3rd person

___2 month time skip___

Dan was nervous. Like really nervous. Phil and him were going out for coffee later. It wasn't an unusual thing to do, but for some reason Dan was very nervous about it. Ever since he thought that he'd lost Phil forever, he realised just how much he loved Phil.

Dan had also realised how flirty Phil was back in 2015. Dan hadn't thought about it before. In 2016, Phil got a girlfriend called Mia so Dan never thought about Phil possibly ever liking him in the past. It was possible though. Dan and Phil had come out to each other back in 2010. They were both bisexual which never caused an issue in their friendship because that's all it was, a friendship. If Phil did like Dan, how would Dan react? Dan felt as if it was wrong to be with Phil without Phil knowing what Dan did.

But that was in the past.

Or the future? Dan wasn't quite sure.

Phil was in Louise's apartment while Dan stayed in theirs. Phil wanted to talk to Louise about some things.

Phil: I-I want to tell Dan that I like him as more than friends but I don't really know how I'm going to do that?

Louise: *smiles* Just be honest with him. I'm pretty sure he likes you back so what's the issue?

Phil: It's just that, what if he doesn't? What if I completely destroy our friendship?

Louise: Phil, you've both been friends since forever. Even if he didn't like you back -which I'm almost certain he does- I'm sure he wouldn't want your friendship to be ruined either. So when were you planning on telling him?

Phil: Probably today before I lose confidence and chicken out.

Louise: *surprised* Today?! Oh my this is so exciting! PHAN IS GONNA BE REEEAL!

Phil: *laughs* Louise!

Louise: So how are you going to do it?

Phil: We're meeting at a coffee shop later and then I thought that maybe we could walk to the park. I'd tell him while we're walking in the park.

Louise: Aw that's so cute!

Phil: Hm. I should get going. Bye Louise!

Louise: Bye Phil! If anything goes wrong you know where I am!

Phil nodded and left Louise's apartment to go back home. This couldn't go wrong. It had to go right. Phil couldn't bare the thought of Dan leaving him or hating him. But Dan was better than that. Even if Dan didn't like him like that, everything would be okay so long as they could both forget about it.

Back in time: PhanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora