Chapter 3 ~ "Time Bomb"

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Silent screams into the night...


How easily Brandalynn could be forgotten. How easy it was to forget her.



Another morn on the bus. This Jay kid didn't seem to make the same mistake as yesterday, and passed Brandalynn right up with only so much as a glance.



The school was flourished with girls dressed in Pink.


Brandalynn however stuck out. With a white sweatshirt and dark plum skinny jeans the same colour as her hair, she contrasted with the Peppy Pinks.

Whatever, she thought.

She made her way to her group of friends, of which all of them wore some sort of Pink.

Mandy still brought up the banana, and was also contemplating other myths and pranks.

"What if I put Mentos in an ice cube, then put it in a teacher's soda! It'll be a f***ing time bomb!" Mandy exclaimed.

"Who should we do it to?" Layla asked.

"Well, we should do it when we are all there, that way I can take a video," Micky said.

"You and you're obsession with social media," Danni teased.

"Hey, like you don't have thousands of posts on Instagram," Micky countered.

"Well at least have 5000 followers!" Danni said

"That are bought..." Micky retorted.

"Liar! And either way I have more than you!" Danni yelled.

"Not even!" Micky yelled back.

"Ladies, Ladies! We ALL know I have the most followers. I mean, who DOESN'T love this beautiful face!" Nyssa exclaimed.

Ignoring Nyssa, Micky, and Danni, Mandy finally came up with an idea.

"Lets do it in Third! We are all there in Third Class, and Mrs. Manning is a b**** anyways, AND she always drinks Diet Cola... PERFECTO!" Mandy exclaimed.

"What if she doesn't have a Diet Coke?" Jen asked.

"Damn," Mandy said.

"I got it!" Layla exclaimed and pulled a dollar from her backpack, then ran to the vending machine. She came back with a good ole Diet Coke.

"SWEET!" Mandy snatched the soda.

"Dumbass what about the iced Mentos!?!" Layla realized.

"I got Mentos!" Nyssa turned around.

"I got a water bottle!" Jen exclaimed happily.

"I think our First Class teacher will let us use the freezer he has in his class. He's pretty chill anyways," Danni said after her stare off with Micky.

"So we are all set! Third it is!" Mandy exclaimed.

"If Mrs. Manning yells at us, or tries giving us detention, its all your fault and all blame is going to you, Mandy," Nyssa said, and the rest of the girls nodded their heads in agreement.


As time ticked by, and one class ended, Mandy and the rest got more and more excited for the prank.

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