Chapter 12 ~ A Pair in a Harsh Reality

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When they passed the road to Jay's house, Jay turned to Brandalynn.

"I thought you told the doctor you were taking me straight home?" Jay questioned.

"Never said which home now did I?" Brandalynn countered. She realized if he thought about it, he could learn her secret twist of words that she always used.

"So you're taking me to your house?" Jay continued.

"Yessir!" Brandalynn tried cheering up the mood, but she was bad at such things, for she wasn't in a bright mood either. She had just watched a version of her haunting nightmares come true before her very eyes.

But she said naught.

Instead she turned on the radio in hope of lifting the damp, depressed air.

But no luck. For one of Brandalynn's  songs came on, and most of her songs were depressing, such as this one by Evanescence. Yet she let it play, too lost in lyrics to really care.


I tried to kill the pain

But only brought more

(So much more)


I lay dying and I'm pouring

Crimson regret and betrayal


I'm dying, praying

Bleeding and screaming

"Am I too lost to be saved?

Am I too lost?"


My God, my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

My God, my tourniquet

Return to me salvation


Do you remember me?

Lost for so long

Will you be on the other side?

Or will you forget me?


I'm dying, praying

Bleeding and screaming

"Am I too lost to be saved?

Am I too lost?"


My God, my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

My God, my tourniquet

Return to me salvation


Return to me salvation

I want to die!


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