Chapter 8 ~ "Dumb Reasons"

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Brandalynn spent all night locked up in her room, talking to Jay.

So in fact, she DID hear from him later.

The sneaky turd.


At first he teased her about the note, and how she took so long, but soon, it got into a more serious conversation.

"You have to talk about you now" Jay had insisted.

Brandalynn, reluctantly, starting talking, but nothing much. She told him that she was a Sophomore as well, how her Dad was a business man, and her mom made herself scarce, so she saw little of her parents.

Jay caught on quickly.

"So you don't have parents to look up to?" he had asked.

"No," Brandalynn had said with a tinge of sadness.

"They are rich, though, huh?" Jay had asked.

"Snobby Rich People," Brandalynn had confirmed.

Brandalynn heard crashing in the background from Jays' side of the line.

"I-I got to go," Jay had stammered and hung up quickly.

Brandalynn was worried throughout the whole night.




Now, with the start of a new day, that worry still lingered. Brandalynn quickly got ready and sped out the door, wanting to get to the bus stop as soon as she could, so she could have time to think.

What happened?

Brandalynn waited restlessly on the bus seat, waiting for Jay.

He almost missed the bus.

Jay got to the bus just as it was about to close its doors. Jay plopped himself on the seat and sighed.

"What happened?" Brandalynn asked worried. Why should she worry about him? She barely met him! But the dreams...

"Nothing," Jay's eyes told Brandalynn otherwise. Swirling blue pits, deep as an ocean. How she saw the pain behind those crystal blue eyes.

Brandalynn sat quietly. If he wanted, he could tell her. If he wasn't ready, then so be it. All she wanted to do was help.

"I'll be here when you're ready," Brandalynn said quietly with a small smile.

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