Chapter 10 ~ Hugs and Missions

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"Listen, whatever you see at my house... Just don't make it change how you see me, okay?" Brandalynn said as they pulled into her driveway.

Her mothers car was gone, so she figured they were out doing whatever rich people do.

Opening the door, Brandalynn heard Jay gasp a little. It WAS a grand entrance... Though she didn't care for it.

"How long do you plan on staying?" Brandalynn asked, not meaning to sound rude.

"As long as is okay with you and your parents," Jay replied.

You can stay forever! Brandalynn's mind thought. My parents don't give a care anyways! Then she scolded herself. How could she think that???

"Just let me know when you have to go back," Brandalynn said.

"Go ahead and grab something to eat if you want it," Brandalynn told Jay, who seemed reluctant to move, for fear he'd break something.

"Wait, so where's your room?" Jay asked.

Crap, should I show him one of the guest rooms? Or should I go in my room and fix it up first? Or say he can't go in? Brandalynn thought.

"Ummm..." Brandalynn trailed.

"Its fine if you don't want to show me, I understand," Jay said.

Does he? Does he understand? Understand, to comprehend what the context given... And be able to use it against another person...

But Brandalynn sensed Jay had his own share of pains. And trusted him because he probably did understand, better than others.

She sighed.

"Come on, not like I have anything to hide from you," Brandalynn said, even though she did have a lot to hide.

She led him up the stairs and to her room, pausing twice since Jay seemed to like admiring the large house. When they got in front of her door, Brandalynn froze.

There was no going back. Secrets will be revealed. Brandalynn thought taking a deep breath and opened the door.




First thing Jay registered, it was dark.

The window was covered with dark curtains, and little light penetrated into the room. What light did manage to go through, however, lit up the dust particles in the musty air.

The walls were a dark gray, the bed frame and furniture black and Victorian styled, all the way to the black chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Alone No More {slow updates}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ