Chapter 14 ~ Dropped Bomb

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That was all she saw. An eternal black tainting her soul, her mind, her body...

She saw the glowing red heart, beating, as the darkness consumed it slowly, eating away its life, sanity, love...

Brandalynn's eyes opened to a bright light, which once such light made contact with her eyes, she hissed with from the touch.

"Looks like we have a Vampire here don't we?" Jay grinned.

"Close the curtains" Brandalynn said in just above a sleepy whisper.

 Jay had opened the dark curtains, exposing the dark room to white outdoor light.

Brandalynn liked it better dark.

Jay closed the curtains, his goal complete. He saw Brandalynn was beginning to shake from a nightmare, and he couldn't wake her, so he decided to let nature take its course, that, and the fact he wondered what the dark, damp, room would look like in light, not a lamp light, but true sunlight.

“So what do you want to do today? This marvelous Sunday?” Jay asked.

Sunday, the day when most people went to their church to worship in the morning. When families spent time together, and were happy.

But Brandalynn never was one to get into church, for she had no one to take her. She had once gone to a small Christian church long long ago, with her grandmother, but never went back for a simple reason: her grandmother died. Though this fact, of not belonging to any religion, sparked an early outrage in her classmates. They despised her for “not being one with the Lord” and not being “traditional” and “normal.” They began to use her lack of religion as an excuse for their bullying. Soon enough, word spread that she was a so called “atheist” though she wasn’t… Well actually, she wasn’t even sure what she was. All she knew was that she was odd. And she was fine with that.

“No clue, but I assume you want breakfast?” Brandalynn said.

“Yes ma’am!” Jay smiled.

Brandalynn checked the house to make sure if anyone was home, and like usual, they weren’t. As a kid, what she wouldn’t give for a day with her parents… But now… to hell with them. They didn’t care, so she shouldn’t, Right?

That’s what she’s been living by.

Jay followed her to the kitchen, where he got to pick from an assortment of healthy cereals and stuff. Apparently, Jay didn’t mind, so Brandalynn didn’t either. That is, until, she remembered she have to act as if she had normal eating habits. She grabbed the tastiest cereal they had, and poured some into a bowl, and tried stomaching it.

Her stomach didn’t like that idea, however.

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