Chapter 11 ~ Living Nightmare

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WARNING: This chapter is a little bloody and gruesome and may be triggering. Read at your own risk.


They say that sometimes dreams show the future.

But what of nightmares?

A recurring, terrible, nightmare.

"Hello?" Brandalynn walked into the large house Jay lived in.

Each dream, it was a different scene she was met with, but this time, she heard sniffling coming from Jay's room. Everything moved slowly. Opening the door, Brandalynn came face to face to Jay, his arm cut deeply, blood pouring down. He turned to look at her sadly and mouthed, "I'm sorry," then fell.

"JAY! PLEASE BE OKAY! PLEASE! WAKE UP!" Brandalynn screamed as the dream began to take more of her sanity.

Hurriedly she got ready, dressing in a purple ,white, and gray flannel shirt, with a light gray tank top underneath, and dark jeans. She put on white Converse and pulled her hair Plum coloured into a fishtail braid.

She never asked if Jay wanted a ride or not, but figured so. She grabbed the two books Jay and her were reading last night and her car keys and headed downstairs to grab a small muffin she'd share with Jay.

Satisfied, she went to her car. The sky was becoming cloudy, and Brandalynn figured a storm would come in a day or two.

The driveway was empty, abandoned looking, so Brandalynn pulled way in. She texted Jay saying she was there, but didn't get an immediate response. A few minutes later she called, with still no response.

Strange, Brandalynn thought.

Brandalynn waited in her car a while, long enough for the bus to already pass.

Staring at the door, she noticed it was slightly opened.

Worried, she got out of the car, and went to the door.

"Hello?" Brandalynn's voice echoed  in the house and her mind as she gently opened the door.

The door opened up to a front foyer, a hallways going straight down and a staircase to one side, and she noticed a kitchen and dining room at the end of the hall and pots and dishes splayed on the floor. To her left was an office, with papers everywhere, a bedroom, and bathroom.

She turned to her right and was met with a destroyed sitting area with couches and chairs flipped, tables broken, glass shattered...

She heard mutters upstairs and went to a room and opened the door.

 Wide eyed, she stared at her living nightmare.

There stood Jay, who had pain evident in his eyes, as red liquid bled from his arm and poured onto the now stained floor. A bloody knife was in the other hand.

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