Chapter 13 ~ Love of Music

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"You can't save him," the chilling voice in her head nagged. "You can't help him."

"I can! I know I can!" Brandalynn yelled out.

"You can't stop it. He will die. He is dead. You are a failure," The voice called.

"No. No... NO!!!" Brandalynn screamed as she was startled out of her nightmare by a worried looking Jay shaking her.

Brandalynn looked around and realized she was now on her bed... Jay had fallen asleep on her bed after she had changed into something more comfortable, and claimed it before her practically. and so she had sat on a chair... But she must've fallen asleep and Jay must've moved her when she did so.

"Brandy, are you okay?" Jay sounded worried.

Brandalynn felt ashamed. She felt... Exposed. He had seen her fit of nightmares... Hear her screams, while no one else did.

"I'm...I'm fine," Brandalynn stuttered and sat up.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jay asked as Brandalynn stared wide eyed.

Should she even say anything? Or not?

It was the weekend now. Saturday to be of the exact. No school... Just home all day long. Correction: Weekend long.

"Try to go back to sleep, there's no school," Jay insisted.

"No! I mean I'm fine," Brandalynn said.

"Alright," Jay said wearily.

"You should rest," Brandalynn nodded toward Jay's arm.

"And so should you," Jay gestured back to her arm.

How messed up these two were.

"Fine," Brandalynn somewhat agreed. She was missing something and she realized what it was. Music. She sat on the bed, back against the headboard (with a pillow to cushion of course) and plugged her ear buds into her iPhone, which she had put to charge overnight due to its completely shot battery.

No new messages. Like usual.

She turned on her music and let the shuffle of music play in her ears, blocking out everything else, besides Jay's stare.

I'm not a stranger

 No I am yours

 With crippled anger

 And tears that still drip sore

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