Chapter 18 ~ Master of Acting

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"You sure you don't want me to come?" Jay asked for the seventeenth time. 

"I'll be fine, Jay, honestly, how bad can it be?" Brandalynn replied, getting into her wonderful yellow Volkswagen. 

Brandalynn hadn't really wanted to tell Jay what she was doing, nor did she. As far as Jay thought, she was going to see Nyssa. 

She wasn't. 

"But what if Nathan is there?" Jay argued, his jaw clenching when he mentioned Nathan. 

"I don't think he'll be that big of a problem," Brandalynn said, a tint of truth in her words. Though depending on what happens after this... maybe he will be a problem. 

Hopefully not, for she already had too many problems on her hands. 

"You think you'll be okay without me home?" Brandalynn asked. She was wary of having Jay in the house alone, with her parents possibly nearby.  

"I'll just be in my room," Jay replied. "I already may have made a stash of food in there already..." 

"Alright," Brandalynn laughed, "Call me if you need anything." 

"Yes ma'am!" Jay saluted. 

And with that she was off to see the Scary Fairy.  




Maybe this was a bad idea, Brandalynn thought as she pulled up to the little bakery. Through the window, she could see Nathan sitting and waiting in the corner of the café. 

 It was quite empty inside, the smell of fresh pastries and brewing coffee filled Brandalynn's nose as she walked inside, the little bell on the door jingling as it opened. The sun was setting outside, so most of the curtains were drawn shut, and the dim light coming from the fixtures filled the shop with a warm, cozy feel. 

Nathan turned and smiled at her, his eyes blue as ever, his black hair reflecting the light. 

"I was thinking you weren't going to show up," Nathan said pulling out the chair for Brandalynn to sit. 

"Of course I would show up," Brandalynn replied, looking at the muffin that was already set in front of her. 

"I already bought a muffin. You like Buttermilk Spice, right?" Nathan asked, hoping he chosen right. 

"Yes... yes, thank you." Brandalynn thanked him and took a small nibble from the muffin. 

The sat in silence for a moment, sizing the other up, neither of them willing to start the conversation that they have been avoiding. 

"So..." Nathan trailed. "Where do we start?" 

"You tell me, you bought the muffin." Brandalynn replied, trying not to let the fact show that the muffin was scrumptiously delicious and warm. 

"Why?" Nathan asked. After a minute of deciding what to say, he managed to only say a single word. 




"Just one word sentences now?" Nathan raised his brow questioningly. 

"What would you like me to say?" Brandalynn asked. "Oh, you know! The norm! Horrible parents, stupid jerks in the world, never ceasing memories that all make you feel like sh*t!" 

Nathan just stared at her in shock. 

"Sorry," Brandalynn muttered, playing with her sleeves. 

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