Yoongi senario #3

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The shooting for the MV was a complete success. Taehyung made sure that I practiced hard on the dance and I did practice real hard.
I even lost some weight which I gained again because I went to eat chicken breasts with the members right after the shoot.
Taehyung even informed a magazine about our collaboration and that made me feel like I wasn't a model.
He prevented me from reading comments because he thought that ARMY hated me but I took a sneak leak and among the large amount of haters, a lot of people did like to know more about Taehyung's best friend. Many said an amount of things that I appreciated like "how my acting skills lacked" but those type of comments were sincere and I did lack in acting but I would try to better it after all, I'm no model.
After another week of doing concerts which wasn't so fun as I wasn't able to see them and come to their concerts, they came back and started telling me about everything. I wasn't really interested because neither of them mentioned that they'd liked to see me there.
One fine day, no one was home, that is, no one but Yoongi.
He was in the living room and I was waiting for Taehyung to come home so we could go Shopping because the clothes he brought were fancy and I needed more sweaters.
I spotted Yoongi in the living room with headphones into his ears.
All of a sudden my phone rang and I received a text message from Taehyung which said that he would take me shopping tomorrow because it would be late when he would get back.
I groaned and fell on my bed. Why was Taehyung like this?
I fake cried into my pillow— it was more like whining.
"There are other people in the dorm!" I heard a voice.
I picked up my head to find Yoongi standing in  the doorway. I knew what he meant by that.
"Did I annoy you?" I asked knowing the answer.
Yoongi went back to the living room. I really wanted to go shopping so I went to the living room with him.
"Oppa! Can we go shopping?" I asked.
Yoongi was immersed in his phone.
"Oppa?" I called.
"Why don't you go with Taehyung?" He snapped.
I sat down quietly for a while and then I stared at him intently.
"Why do your eyes look like they might pop out?" He asked not looking at me.
"Oppa, I want you". I replied gazing down.
He dropped his phone onto his lap and stared at me.
"Oppa, come'un, I promise you'll like it!" I exclaimed pouting.
"What do you mean, you want me?" He asked his eyes wide with fear.
I realized my mistaken speech and quickly corrected it.
"I meant, I want you to go shopping with me".
I looked away and my cheeks stared to burn. I knew I was going red in the face. I wish I had been clear in my speech, now he must dislike me even more. He didn't talk to me much, now he wouldn't even greet me.
My heart was screaming.
Yoongi got up and went to his room. He probably hated me at that point. It sounded really inappropriate. It sounded even more inappropriate  than the time Taehyung mispronounced "saxophonist".  
After a while Yoongi came out wearing a black leather jacket. He looked cool all of a sudden. And he had a smirk on his face.
"Are you gonna wear that?" He asked.
I gulped as I didn't get his meaning.
Was the only thing I was able to utter.
"It's really cold and if you're going to just sit there with a blank look then I'm not taking you to the mall". He replied.
"You're taking me... uhm... where... exactly?" I asked my eyes lighting up brightly.l
"I'm not in the habit of repeating myself but I'm taking you shopping if you're wearing that, put on a sweater, even if it's thin. Do it!"
What was I hearing? Was he really going to take me shopping? Was he even serious?
I decided not to question him and got changed into a pair of jeans a long white shirt and a little grey sweater that Taehyung had brought me. Yoongi was right, it was thin.
I walked out to the living room and found it empty.
I rushed down to the entrance and saw Yoongi getting in the car.
"Wait!", I called and rushed to him.
"Do you plan to leave me?" I asked annoyed at him,
"Yes, if you take that long, now get in the car. I haven't got all day".
"Suga, you're really something else off-stage". I commented.
"No, I'm just Yoongi off-stage". He replied.
We got into the car as he drove to the nearest shopping mall.
"Aren't you coming?" I asked getting out.
He sighed and got out of the car. He seemed bored and I wondered why he always looked like that. Can't he ever smile. Oh yeah! He does. Only on fan-signs.
We walked to a random shop which sold sweaters and winter wear.
I went in and he followed.
I picked up a soft pink fluffy sweater.
"Is this good, you should know. Do you like it?" I asked trying to be really polite.
"It's okay". He replied.
"It's for you!" I replied.
"But it's pink". He complained.
"Of course it is, you'll like it, I'm positive".
"Don't be."
I put it back and then walked on to pick a grey sweater which was nice. It was smooth and thick. It was exactly what I was looking for. I looked at the prize tag and decided not to buy it since it was 300 won. I mean I've always shopped when clothes were in sale and I didn't come to Korea to spend all my money on a sweater.
We walked out of the shop.
Yoongi followed me to another shop.
"Are you one of those girls who look at everything in a shop and then leave without anything".
"No, I'm just trying to buy some good clothes. If you haven't noticed, a lot of the dresses Taehyung brought were summer clothes". I replied looking at a long sleeved T-shirt.
I saw the prize tag and surprisingly it was reduced to just 30 won. So, I picked it up and took it to the counter. After purchasing it, I decided to try one last store in hopes of finding a nice sweater but Yoongi grabbed my hand and took me to the parking lot.
"I know a place where sweaters are cheap but in good quality". He spoke.
"And you could've just told me but you had to drag me here".
"Get in, or I'll drive off without you".He remarked. Why was he too harsh to me? What had I done to him? If asking to go shopping is a crime than someone can learn that from Yoongi.
We drove off and ended up in an alley to be exact. Was he insane? We were going to shop at one of those small stores. Okay now I wasn't that poor that I couldn't afford a sweater.
I got out and Yoongi walked me to a street shop with bags. I changed my direction and started to walk back to the car.
It didn't take Yoongi long to realized that I was heading back.
He grabbed me by the wrist.
"Let me go!" I exclaimed.
"Look, this is the best place you can get a cheap sweater".
"I don't like it here, it makes me uncomfortable and you don't have to add to my uncomfort". I replied and with a powerful force, I jerked my hand out of his grip.
I turned towards the car but three people in black jackets and masks appeared out of thin air.
Yoongi stepped beside me.
"Who are you guys?" I asked with scorn in my voice.
"Hey there little lady", they called.
I didn't need to here what they wanted so I kicked the middle one before he could finish his sentence. He fell backwards.
Yoongi gasped in surprise.
"This is all your fault!" I blamed him. I really wanted to give him a piece of my mind. If only he had listened but he was so stillborn.
Moreover, I wished I had gone with Taehyung but I listen to myself.. NO!
The middle one got up.
The other two pointed their guns and told us to hand over our purses.
I clenched my hand onto a fist a tried to punch the one on the right side but the middle one shot a bullet at me. I dodged it barely.
"What's your problem!" Yoongi yelled.
I jumped out if my skin but I realized he didn't yell at me but the people. The two ran away leaving Yoongi with the person who shot me.
"Yoongi Oppa, lets get out of here". I said as I held his arm.
He pulled his arm away and punched the dude, his gun fell and we ran away.
Unfortunately, we didn't run to the car but away from it, we soon lost the guy but now we were away from the car.
We were somewhere near a man selling scarfs and across the street from a veterinarian clinic.
Yoongi brought a scarf and walked to me.
I was standing in the cold.
"I think we should hear back home no".I suggested as he handed the scarf to me. I waved it away.
"Are you okay, the bullet didn't hit you, did it?" Yoongi asked.
I stared into his brown eyes and I could tell his voice was soft and he seemed really concerned. Maybe Namjoon Oppa was right.
Yoongi Oppa was a good guy at heart.
He widened his eyes as he looked at my side.
I noticed this strange expression on his face and followed his gaze.
I could see blood staining my sweater through my shirt.
I laughed because I didn't feel anything.
"You didn't dodge the bullet, can you stand?" He asked anxious.
"Oppa, calm down. It's just....." I began. Before I could finish he picked me up bridal style and ran across he street to the veterinarian clinic and shouted:
"Is anyone here, my friend is hurt!"
"Yoongi... wait did you just say I'm your friend?" I asked.
He put me down and a man with shoulder length long hair and black eyes came out. He was shocked to see us.
"Someone shot her, she's bleeding". Yoongi spoke is deep breaths.
"Then shouldn't you take her to the hospital, I'm a vet!" The Man answered looking at me.
"She needs help".

"No I don't!" I exclaimed.
"Let's just see, what the matter is?" The bet asked.
He led me to an examination table. I sat on it.
I took off my sweater and he raised my shirt.
"It's only a graze, the bullet nearly missed and the blood already dried but I'll bandage it. Overall, you'll heal quickly  and there nothing to worry about. You won't die like your friend says". He chuckled.
"He got a little hyper but thanks". I replied.
I came out with my side bandaged up and Yoongi looked at me.
"I'm fine". I answered before he could ask any questions.
He then walked me to the car and we got in.
We didn't say anything but after a while but then I decided to talk to him.
"Yoongi!" I called.
"Don't say anything or I'll stop the car and you'll have to walk home by yourself". He replied through gritted teeth.
"But Yoongi!" I began.
He swerved the car to the left and it came to a stop near the footpath.
"Get out!" He exclaimed.
"Okay, but hear what I have to say".
"Thank you". I added and I began to open the door.
Before I could, I heard the lock click in and then he began to drive once again.
"I thought you wanted me to get out". I said.
"We both know you can't get home on your own".
He replied.
He stopped at a red signal and then reached behind and pulled out two shopping bags with sweaters in them.
I took them and thanked him. He had gotten the sweaters which I liked but were expensive.
"Thank you so much Oppa, how can I repay you".
"You can't". He replied.
"No way Oppa, I'll do anything to repay you". I replied quite ready.
"Then, I want you". He spoke.
I gulped. What did he just say to me.
"Can you write lyrics for our song?" He asked.
I came back to my senses but I didn't answer him.
"I didn't think so". He said and we drove.
The rest of the ride was silent and instead of the dorm he brought me to BigHit.
I followed him in he went to the recording studio.
I brought two boxes of ramen and went into the studio.
"I know I can't write your lyrics Hyungnim but here some food". I spoke.
"Hyungnim?" He asked.
"Oh! From now on I'll respect you and call you Hyungnim instead of Oppa".
"Can you sing in Hangul?" He asked. He handed me the paper with lyrics.
"Hyungnim, I can't really read Hangul very well".
He chuckled as I started to sing Park Jimin's "Lie".
He listened till the part I reached "Caught in a lie". I couldn't hit a high note.
"Okay, you can laugh on me now!" I exclaimed.
Yoongi laughed. No, he actually did and he sounded really happy.
"Do you want to go home now?" He asked.
"Let's eat first". I replied.
"I don't like ramen".
"Are you sure, because I love ramen and I can eat these two".
"Okay I'll eat with you". He replied.
We sat there eating as I told Yoongi to take a break from his work.
He told me about his inability to sing a high note and then proved it by singing Jin's "Awake". I liked spending time with him. He was really fun once you got up know him.

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