Jungkook senario#4

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"Wake up sleepy-head". I heard a voice as a hand started to caress my hair.
"Go away Taehyung oppa!"I muttered and rolled over.
"It's not Hyung, it's Jungkook!" The voice exclaimed.
"Well, then go away Jungkook-shi!"
He chuckled and shook my arm.
"Please get up, don't be so lazy". He commented and stared at me.
I rolled towards him and saw him looking at me. He was staring into my eyes.
"Jungkook-shi, don't you know it's rude to come into a lady's room without her permission". I sat up and cuddled the blanket in my arms.
"This was my room before you came, remember! It's still mine and no one says that".
"Well, I do. You need to be more polite if I'm ever going to continue living here". I replied sighing deeply.
"Call me Jungkook-ah and I'll be more nicer, I promise".
"Ok Jungkook-ah".
"Get dressed and come for breakfast, I didn't eat because you weren't there, I'll wait for you", he messed up my hair and ran out of my room.
I got up and closed the door. I fell on my bed again.
These guys were so weird, how does a guy not know about knocking before entering. I wondered why Jungkook was so much like a kid and why hadn't Taehyung woke me up.
Was he mad at me?
Well, I was mad at him too. He hadn't even asked why I hadn't shown up to their concert or brought me anything or even told me that he missed he and he was my best friend? Well, if best friends are these type of people than I don't want them. I hadn't talked to Taehyung since he didn't take me shopping and I ignored him too.
I got dressed and went to the breakfast table. Jimin bowed and said "Hello" as he was clearing his plate.
I spotted Namjoon and Jungkook still at the table. They had been so kind and waited for me but when I approached, Namjoon told me that he had been late.
I went into the kitchen and helped Jin with the breakfast. I asked him why Jungkook hadn't eaten yet but he said that Jungkook said he would eat with me.
I blessed Jungkook under my breath for being a caring friend and sat with him.
We had rolled omelette or "egg rolls" as you professional people call it.
It was my first one and it was really good. Jungkook told me some jokes that he used to know and I laughed.
Taehyung was sitting on the couch but occasionally, he-would look up and glance at me and then he would look away.
I finished my breakfast and got up. I was going to spend another day doing basically nothing.
Taehyung grabbed my arm and yanked me to him. He looked at me but I didn't look into his eyes.
"How long are you going to ignore me?" He pleaded.
"Let go of my arm". I said gazing at the ground.
"What have I done to disappoint you this time?" He asked.
Had he not figured out why I was mad? And seriously he thought I was at a fault?
He sounded different than usual,almost as if he was pleading with me to talk to him.
Jungkook came to my rescue. He took my other arm and rushed to my room making Taehyung lose his grip.
"Jungkook-ah!" I called.
"Meet me outside". He said and ran out. I went out and found him standing with Jin near his car.
"Jin Oppa?" I asked.
"I am to drive you anywhere you wish on Jungkook's command". He boldly said.
I burst out laughing. Had he lost at 'rock, paper, scissors' or something?
"Laugh all you want but you know very well none of you can drive". He said pouting.
I suppressed my laughter as Jungkook ushered me into the car.
Jin started to drive.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked concerned about the place we were going to.
"You'll see". Jungkook replied relaxing beside me.
"Wait Jungkook-ah, why are you so suspicious? Are you kidnapping me?" I asked sarcastically alarmed.
"When you're pretty, who wouldn't want to kidnap you?" Jungkook snapped.
"So, this is officially a kidnapping?"
"Yeah,it is! I'll tie you up to make it seem more convincing!" Jungkook exclaimed.
"What?" I asked backing away.
He chuckled and explained that he was joking.
"Besides, he'll be in big trouble if he did." Jin replied.
"So, where are we heading to, Jin Oppa!" I asked blinking at him innocently.
"I would tell you but Jungkook hasn't allowed me to". He said.
I looked out the window but Jungkook pushed me back in the car.
"It's a surprise". He grinned.
"Now, it is officially a kidnapping no matter what you say, I'm already convinced". I replied.
"Don't be too sure!" Jungkook exclaimed as I tried to look out the window again.
He took out a red cloth and placed it in front of my eyes.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"It's for the surprise. I hear that you usually blindfold a person for whom the surprise is meant". Jungkook replied grinning wildly.
"I can't believe my favorite band is kidnapping me. I won't look out the window". I said.
"Well, don't think of it as kidnapping. And since you can't seem to stop looking out the window, this'll help". He explained.
I back away from him but he came closer.
"Jin Oppa, you're in charge. Say something". I said.
"I would if I wasn't driving, Jungkook. Stop it! She's uncomfortable." He added.
"It's only a little while away, just let me blindfold you. You'll be impressed by what a gentleman I can be". Jungkook said.
"I'll close my eyes if that matters". I said shutting my eyes tight.
But the second after that, Jungkook placed the cloth on my eyes and secured it from the back.
I didn't struggle as he took my hand into his and held it to prevent me from falling.
There I was letting myself being kidnapped by my favorite members. And how Jin seemed so carefree made me worry. Where were they taking me? I mean I'm just being sarcastic but they way they blindfolded me. Different thoughts began to circulate the priority being that they planned to kill me in the woods? Okay, I'm still being sarcastic but just a little more scared that sarcastic but hey, if they could force me into a car and blindfold me than killing wasn't far off.
I know that BTS is like a good angelic boy band right? So, there is no need to worry about my totally unlogical conclusion.
The car came to a stop and Jungkook helped me out. He took off the blindfold and I faced a big building.
"Whew! Where are we?" I asked in awe.
"Surprise! Come'un in I want you to follow me". Jungkook said giving me his usual bunny smile.
I looked at Jin and he told me to go ahead. So I followed Jungkook inside. We used the elevator to go to some kind of place. When we stopped.
I walked out to find myself in an arcade type place where I saw a bunch of people doing archery and other sporty stuff.
"This place looks amazing". I commented.
"I knew you'd like it here. And just so you know. I booked the entire afternoon for us to have fun. You were quite upset for a couple of days....."
"But, I wasn't upset at you Jungkook-ah".
"I know, but let's not think about that. Come now, lets do some archery". He replied pulling me to the counter. We got our jackets. Bows and arrows were provided and we stood in front of our targets.
"I can't really do archery but it was something on my bucket-list so I'll do it!" I exclaimed as I shot an arrow.
It fell to the floor not even a meter away.
Jungkook started to laugh.
"Okay, okay... you can laugh on me. I'm rusty at sports". I giggled with him.
He stopped and looked at me.
"You're a weird one. I'd want you not to be the ones to give up. You want me to help you shoot a decent arrow?" He asked.
Who said that I gave up? I didn't give up? Why would I? I was just one of those people not good at sports but I could get the hang of it for sure!
Without waiting for my answer. Jungkook came over to me and fitted the arrow in my bow.  After that he told me to look at my target not my arrow but place the arrow pointing  to the middle of my target.
He lifted my arm holding the arrow telling me that it should make a 90-degree angle. I was bad a math but I knew what that meant.
"Move a bit to this side". He said placing his hand on my hip.
I flinched but he didn't seem to notice. After that he placed his hands on mine and then placed his chin on my shoulder.
We let go of the arrow and it fell not far from the target.
"You'll get better". He said as he released me.
"I'll definitely get better. I wonder if you have brought me here to win against me?" I made a thinking motion.
"No. I just want to have fun". He replied.
But with him that was impossible. He was very competitive and I knew that very well from the shows, that all of BTS did involving sports.
I kept his words in my head and staring shooting  arrows. My only two made it to the target but didn't hit the middle one, while Jungkook's five made it in. We both had arrows left.
We continued and I got two more in while he had seven. I ran out of arrows before he did and by then I had five and he had about nine in so he won.
"I lost!" I exclaimed pouting.
"It's okay, you'll get better". He says patting my shoulder.
"Shall we move on to our next game?" He asked.
"What? We have another game but I'm tired already". I replied.
"You need to exercise more then. Our next game is bowling". He added.
We went to the bowling area and started bowling. I had a purple bowl and Jungkook had a red one. I had done bowling before so I was pretty good at it.
Jungkook was also good and hard to beat but I managed to tie with him.
"Okay, this last ball decides the winner". He said.
He held up the ball and I gave him a push. I didn't mean for it to be hard but he fell and the ball went into the gutter.
"Miana Jungkook-ah!"
I gasped. He got up and looked at me and then the board. I had won.
"You pushed me on purpose". He said.
"Jungkook-shi... I didn't mean it" I quickly gave my defense but he didn't buy it.
"I demand a re-match". He said.
I didn't say anything but agreed to it so we had another go at bowling.
This was a heated battle and I wasn't going to lose against Jungkook so we played hard and tied again.
"Last ball decides the winner". I gasped.
Jungkook let me go this time. I stood holding the bowl in my hands and Jungkook gave me a pat on my shoulder. 
I let go of the ball and suddenly slipped and hit the ground face-down.
Jungkook ran over to me.
"It's the heels". I groaned as my ball hit the pins and I scored a strike.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he helped me up and took me to a couch.
"You don't have to help me. I'm fine". I spoke as I took of my high heels.
"That's okay, I like helping you". He said.
"Beside you won". He added sitting beside me.
"Maybe, I should fall down more often". I suggested.
"How do you feel?" He asked.
"Great after beating you?" I replied.
"I feel like I need more practice!" He exclaimed.
"So, since I lose what is my punishment?" He asked.
"Well you lost at archery too, so I need to decide a punishment for you too". He said.
"You can't keep saying "Huh?" Decide something already?"
I looked at him in confusion. How could I hit Jungkook-ah. He was like my little brother and he was too cute for me to hit.
After all, he brought me out when I was sad and the least I could do was sulk at the dorm.
Then it hit me. He brought me out!
"You'll have to buy me dinner!" We said at once.
"No, you gave to!" We said to each other.
" I said it first!" I exclaimed.
"Okay I will but then you'll buy me ice-cream". He said.
We laughed with each other as we departed and walked to a restaurant. It wasn't very expensive but Jungkook told he he had booked it and had been there  after his graduation.
I remembered the video they made and quickly knew what to order.
As we were seated Jungkook asked me a question:
"Why are you ignoring V?"
"It's nothing Jungkook-ah. I'll have black-bean noodle soup". I said putting down the menu.
"Okay, I'll have one too".He called the waiter and ordered our food.
"Tell me. I'll listen to you". He said pushing my hair back and securing us behind my ear.
A tear rolled down my cheek but I tried to conceal it. I didn't want Jungkook to realize that.
"I'll be back". I said and went to the bathroom.
I redid my makeup and  then went back.
Our food had arrived and Jungkook was waiting for me.
"Are you alright?" He asked as I sat facing the food and my hair fell in front of my face again.
He pushed it behind my ear and then told me I needed to do something about it.
I smiled at him.
"Jungkook-ah, thank you so much for all of this but I'm not mad at you, I can't be". I stared.
"Then tell me". He urged.
He sat closer to me and I told him.
"Taehyung oppa is my best friend and yet he didn't invite me to the concert. And he didn't take me shopping.
Being my best friend, he needs to care for that but he has abandoned me ever since I'm here. Out of all the people, I needed him to take me out and apologize but you're stuck doing it.
He didn't even say once that he missed me at the concert. He does not care and I shall not talk to him until he apologizes". I finished.
"I'm not good at this type of stuff. But you need to tell him about your worries. He truly worries for you like when you didn't call on the concert and sent a text message saying "Good Luck", he immediately thought of you and said that he wanted to hear your voice shouting from the crowd. He is your friend and none of us can fill the hole you'll have in your heart if you don't tell him what's up. Sometimes, we need to be able to tell people rather than wanting them to apologize. If V knows this. He'll apologize." Jungkook said holding his chopsticks in front of my mouth.
I opened it as he fed me.
"You think so?" I asked.
"Thank you. But you don't have to feed me". I added.
He giggled and handed me his chopsticks. I took them and handed mine to him.
I felt much better after that. We ate and he ordered more.
"Stop, or I'll get fat!" I said placing a hand on my stomach.
"Wait, you weren't already?" He asked confused.
"Jungkook!" I called him teasingly.
"Okay. I was just joking. You still have to pay for dessert." He said.
"That's it I'm not eating anymore. For all you know. You'll order more making me eat more and then you'll order a huge dessert  so I have to pay for it".
"No. I won't! Let's go get ice-cream after this?" He said.
"I'm full so I'll buy you one". I said.
"But I wanna eat with you". He whined.
"Okay". I said.
We walked out if the restaurant and it was dark outside. Some girls spotted us and starting asking for pictures with Jungkook.
To annoy him I acted like a fan girl asking for a picture too and he laughed and took one with me. After they were gone. We walked to an ice-cream shop and Jungkook covered his face because of the cold.
My nose was numb and I couldn't feel my neck.
I shivered as we got our ice-creams.
Seeing me shiver. Jungkook took his muffler and wrapped it around his and my neck.
We walked close to each other and then went to  a spot near the shop to eat our ice-cream.
We finished them as Jungkook took off his muffler and then gave it to me. I gave it back saying I was not cold anymore.
Jin came to pick us up and take us home.
We reached home when it was eight and the members were doing some stuff.
I looked around for Taehyung but I couldn't find him so I went to my room after thanking Jungkook for like the fifth time that day.
He was happy that I had a good time and said goodnight to me.
I walked in and spotted Taehyung sitting on my bed. He had a picture frame of us that I had brought from New Zealand in his hand and he was looking at it.
I bounced onto my bed and hugged him.
"Too tight, I can't breath".He chocked.
"Saranghayo Oppa, I heard that you missed me at the concert night". I said.
"So, that was why my little friend was mad at her Oppa?" He asked
I nodded.
"Sorry, I wished you were there. Next time. I'll take you to our concert and don't say no. This time you did but if you do so next time. I'll kidnap you". He said scoldingly.
"Just like I promised to do so if  you didn't watch that horror movie with me".
"Everyone knew you were so scared". He replied.
"So were you, even more than me". I rubbed my hand over his head.
"Not true!" He replied.
"Okay, we both were scared Oppa!" I said before he would start ticking me again.
He apologized again and went to his room.
I felt quite better for taking Jungkook's advice.
Being the little maknae he is, he sure gave a good advice and made a resolution between me and Taehyung.
I went to sleep that night dreaming the best of dreams about me and BTS being the best of friends.

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