Jimin senario again

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Ok, this senario is about Jimin. I hope you like reading so far. I was going to write about Jungkook but I decided to go for Jimin. Since the girl has developed feelings for him. She is lucky to step past her insecurities.

We headed to the concert hall with PD-bum and the big van he had arranged for us.
I loved his generosity as we all took our seats. Mine was next to yes,yes that's right... Jimin. I smiled warmly at him as he sat next to me.

I didn't want him to feel as if I would ignore him anymore since we were finally getting to be friends and my ignorance has caused that quarrel and confusion and I didn't want to face that.

"Hey, can we talk?" I heard Taehyung call as the car started.

Before I could respond, he told Jimin to exchange his seats.

"Why can't you talk in front of him?" I asked but Taehyung didn't look very pleased.  His expression was dark and I hadn't seen that expression in my entire life.

Jimin noticed it too but quietly got up and changed his seats with him.
Taehyung sat next to me and he looked at me. I was a little uncomfortable and he kept looking at me. I looked away but I couldn't block his eyes.

We were in the back seat so no one was behind us but the back of the car.

He rested his hand on my wrists as my hands were clasped in my lap.

I relaxed at that as I knew an advice would come from him.  I couldn't always count on him for some cheery and nice words.

I was about to speak when he tighten his grasp and pinned my wrists together.

He pulled me to face him and grabbed my chin with the other hand.

I almost screamed but he hugged me pulling my struggling hands and pinning them behind my back.

"Tae....Hyung!" I called but he cut me off and whispered in my ear so only I could hear him.

"This has gone on too long, I can't forgive you for what you did to Jimin, he almost died because of you. Apologize to him! Now!"

I struggled hard but Taehyung wouldn't let me go. He had never done this before and now Jimin was important than me.

Why did this happen to me? Taehyung thought that I was the cause of Jimin's faintness. Every time I thought differently of Jimin, others were there to make sure that my opinion didn't change. I didn't want to hate him but I couldn't help doing so.

"It's not my fault, why should I apologize?" I asked still in his embrace.

"Do it! I won't let you go if you don't and next time don't dare hurt him". He said as he twisted my arms.

"Ah!" I managed a scream but I groaned into his jacket burying my face into his chest.

Yes, my best friend was hurting me but I didn't want Jimin or any one else to know the terms we were on.

"No, I didn't do anything wrong?" I began to struggle even hard. Taehyung, I'm your best friend and you have no right to hurt me. Release me before I scream and tell everyone that you're harassing me.

A Year with BTS ( a working title)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ