Yoongi's plan

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Im so bored, so this story won't be too good but I'll get back into the hang of things. In the meantime read and comment on my other chapters.

The concert was a blur of fancy light gleaming above the hall like tiny searchlights caressing over the place like lights on a Christmas tree.
Despite fresh breathable atmosphere, the crowd and the boys were drenched in sweat and their face glistened as they managed to shout out the lyrics. Rigorous dancing followed along with each song as their words penetrated through different minds and different hearts.

They danced well enough to the rhythm. After all, this was what they trained for. The hot mist and perfume scent hung in the air long after they left the concert stage.

Voices rang through my ears, apart from the best concert, this was the first. I heard Taehyung shout out to me even though now it was distant and far away like a fading mirage, I could still see them dancing.

The fan-sign was over as I walked along the stage, half-dreaming that I could breath that air and perform.

Taehyung words ran through my head.

Even if you end up being my business partner or hating me or become a big singer than me. Nothing changes the fact that you're my best friend.

I knew that was true. I twirled around, my body feeling light than air. I imagined myself as a special part of that still fading mirage.

Would I vanish like that too? Would Taehyung and the others forget me?

No matter what happened. I'll never depart form the gorgeous BTS that I knew. They were too nice to forget me. Unless they have abandoned me here.

I froze as footsteps approached. It was possible that it would be one if the members forging their way to me, but more likely I was waiting for them in the concert chamber when I should be outside so maybe it was security come to terminate me or discard me from the property.

"Hey, are you trying to become a singer, the stage isn't going to help". I heard a voice.
"정국-시, 제잘 덮쳐 ./ Jungkook-Shi, please shut up!" I exclaimed.

I heard his footsteps thudding on the moist brown platform. I didn't turn around. He meant to smother my fantasies but I'd not let him.

All of a sudden, he grabbed me by the arm and spun me to face him.

I gasped and then faced him. I blinked innocently.

He pressed his lips as if deciding what to do with me and then he whispered so only I could hear.

"I don't think I told you to call me Jungkook-Shi".

I laughed on the inside, had my tongue slipped again and why did he look so intimidating today. His idol like look was beautiful and cool but intimidating as well.

I gently stroked his hair and pushed him away.

"Are you okay, you seem distant". He said.

"I was in the most beautiful fantasy where I was singing". I told him.

"Well, you shouldn't dream right now, come the others are waiting for us". He spoke but his voice was a fading whisper.

I walked further as he followed me.

"Are you listening to me, we need to leave now!" He said but I didn't turn around. It was so long since I'd been on stage.

Since I'd stepped on the high platform, since I'd said Juliet's vows to her Romeo, since I'd seen people applauding. So long, yet not forgotten. Yet, still fresh. These performances of mine were  burned into my mind.

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