Namjoon senario#5

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Taehyung and I had been friends again. The members had begun practicing and because, they had been planning for another concert and this time. I was coming to their concert soon. If they would give me tickets and a front row seat.
I had developed good reactions with Yoongi from the time he seemingly saved my life. He was also really good to me and he wanted to teach me piano which I didn't intend to learn at all but showed a lot of potential.
The only person I was really bad at communication was Park Jimin. I liked him and he seemed nice but I wished I'd greeted him more often. I didn't even reply to his "Hello" and he seemed to try hard to talk to me.
Jungkook was very happy to be my friend and he loved hanging out with me. I liked him too since he played video games with me and I lost every single time until yesterday when I won.
J-hope, had the smile of a shining sun. I don't know if a sun smiles but he was the solution of my problems with his hopeful nature.
I was sitting in my room when I heard the door open and a guy walked in with a bunch of books.
"Namjoon, What are you doing here?" I asked facing him.
He plopped the books down on my bed and then looked at me.
"Taehyung told me you needed to learn Korean, but judging by what I see, you need to learn manners as well". He sighed sarcastically
I laughed and then looked at him, when he didn't join in.
I cleared my throat and said:
"안녕하세요 오빠!/Hello Oppa!"
"Okay so you can greet that nice". He said as he circled me. My heart started to pound. Namjoon looked very serious and strict today, I didn't tell Taehyung about me wanting to learn Korean and I didn't want to learn from him.
He chuckled when he noticed how scared I was.
"Sit down and don't look like you've seen a ghost. I'm not going to be able to teach you if you look like that". He added.
I gulped but calmed down And sat on my bed.
"Can you introduce yourself to me?" He asked.
"안녕하세요 오빠! 저는 (name) 임이다! 만나서 반갑습니다./Hello Oppa! I am(name). Nice to meet you." I replied.
"Well, you're pretty good, can I ask you a question?" He said.
"Sure" I answered.
"(Name)-세, 학생 임니가?/Miss.(Name), are you a student?" He asked.
"내, 저는 학생 임니다./ Yes, I am a student". I answered.
He stared at me and smiled.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.
His expression turned stern.
"Go ahead", he said as he lifted my chin and I looked at his face.
Was he trying to intimidate me? What did he think? I didn't know Korean? I'll show him. I'm not half  as useless as he thinks of me!
"남준-세, 소생인 임니가?/Mr. Namjoon,are you a teacher?"
"아니요/No". He smiled and released my chin.
"조다, 학생 임니다./I am also a student". He added.
"Then why are you teaching me Korean?" I asked.
"You already seem to know it, I don't know why you don't speak much. What can I teach you?" He asked.
"Oppa! I know Korean but new knowledge isn't bad, so, I want you to teach me how to ask people other stuff". I asked.
He looked at me.
"Okay". He began to teach me the difference between words and I already knew that since I knew how to write Korean but he went on and on. I didn't stop him but I wasn't concentrating. I was thinking how I would react to Taehyung if he gave me the tickets and would I cry if he forgot again.
"This word means... are you not concentrating?" He asked waving a hand against my face.
"Huh?" I looked at him.
"What do you mean by "Huh?" I am asking you something and I demand an answer?" He snapped?
"What was your question?" I asked a little nervous at his tone.
He lifted up my chin and came closer to me.
"Were you concentrating?" He asked. I felt his hot breath on my neck.
Why was he treating me like I was helpless? Where was everyone? Also, what should I say, should I lie? Should I tell the truth? What won't get me into a fix?
"So-sor-sorry Oppa! I stammered.
"Can I get a glass of water?" I added.
He released my chin and sighed.
"I don't like it when you don't pay attention. You've got potential for this and you're already good but if you're willing to learn more, than show it and concentrate!" He exclaimed.
I looked at the ground, ashamed of having disappointed this respected man who only tried to teach me.
"Fine, lets take a five minute break". He said.
I walked out of my room to find the living room deserted.
Why was I home alone and why didn't anyone tell me I was home alone? Why do people leave without me? Am I that annoying?
I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water.
I took my time drinking it and then I turned around and chocked on a scream.
"Close your mouth! And why have you gone white?" Namjoon asked.
"Can you stop trying to give me a heart attack!" I exclaimed.
Did he intend to kill me?
"You're that scared huh? I just came to check up on you so we can go back to your lesson". He spoke. His voice was calm despite my rudeness.
"But, it's not five minutes yet!" I said.
"Are you trying to put off your lessons. I don't like ..."
"I'm coming!" I called and we walked to my room.
"Since, you had no interest in learning something new about the Korean language. Would you like to concentrate on something-else, something... you know, fun?" He asked as I sat on the floor.
He sat next to me and looked at me with anticipation.
"What are you getting at?" I asked interested all of a sudden.
"That's the spirit. History of Korean language!" He exclaimed holding a thick book.
I almost burst out laughing.
How was this more fun? History was so boring? What was this guy thinking?
I dared not say anything  in case, he made me feel guilty again for how I reacted towards his interests.
He began to read but he was so boring even though he was reading in English that my eyes started to droop at the part where he said that "Korean was an invented language".
Don't fall asleep or he'll get mad! Wake up or you're worthless in front of him!
I lectured myself in my head, but sometimes myself doesn't listen to me.
Before I knew it, he was shaking me awake.
"You didn't concentrate again!" He spoke.
"I'll have to punish you". He added smirking.
"Pu-punish Me?" I gulped as he looked at me. He got up at closed the book placing it on the bed.
"Yes, I told you I didn't like students who don't concentrate, you'll have to be punished".
"Why Oppa! You can't do this! I'll concentrate. I promise!" I blurted out.
"Get up!" He commanded.
I remain seated.
"Oppa.., I don't..." I stared but Namjoon yanked my arm and pulled me up to him.
He dragged me out into the living room and threw me down on the sofa.
"I didn't want to do his but you need to learn to treat someone who teaches you with respect and listen to him... as a punishment you're going to have to..."
He picked up the remote and turned on the TV. A Korean movie was playing on it.
"Watch this Korean film, all of it with no subtitles and then maybe you'll understand how important it is to learn a new language".
"미아나 오빠!/Sorry Oppa!" I exclaimed but I was too late.
"Saying you're sorry in Korean won't help you out". He said.
Was anyone home? Also why was Namjoon's punishment making me laugh on the inside but I had no idea what the movie was about and why did he seem to make his punishment seem harsh!
Should I call for help? Was anyone around?
I asked myself questions but if anyone was home wouldn't they have heard Namjoon's voice.
I got up from the sofa but Namjoon pushed me and I fell again.
He grabbed me wrist and sat next to me.
"Oppa, I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me". I pleaded trying to free my hand from his grasp.
"I'm not mad, I'm actually very disappointed and upset. You were one of the persons who I thought wouldn't disrespect  my will to teach you but you're not like that!" He sighed holding on to my wrist.
I was afraid of this and I felt so ashamed I couldn't face him at all. If this punishment didn't kill me than another of his disappointed looks definitely would.
"Oppa!" I called.
"Stay still and be quiet or I'll have to tie you". He replied through gritted teeth and released his grip on my hand.
I wanted to say something but I was too ashamed and embarrassed because I always respected Namjoon and seeing him now made me feel like a failure. He'd never like me again.
I watched the movie without understanding what they were talking about. I didn't look at Namjoon, I couldn't.
The movie worked in my favor. It was a horror movie that I'd seen a long  time ago with my sister and unexpectedly, Namjoon Oppa didn't like horror movies and I knew that.
I'll give you a scene, if you can name the movie then do write in the comments. If not, then you need to watch it. It had some jump out scary scenes.
"A girl walks into a building, she hears some noises coming from her recording studio... she walks in a sees a girl with his back turned to the girl. The girl whose back is turned is trying to sing a high note in the studio. She calls her name. She turns around and the wire of the microphone is wrapped around the girls neck and water is pouring out from her mouth. Her eyes are rolled to the back of her head and she's still trying to sing".
Namjoon was biting his lip and trying to watch the scene and not faint while I tried to take advantage of this scene and screamed and held his hand in a tight grip to see if he got scared.
He jumped but didn't push my hand away. He grabbed my hand in his and held it like his life depended on it. He seemed to not be upset anymore.
I felt slightly less ashamed.
After a while I realized that Namjoon let go of my hand and it was one of the most intense scenes. I was scared and I wanted to see his reaction but as I turned to him. I noticed that he was asleep.
This was a perfect opportunity to escape from my punishment so I slowly got up and went to Namjoon's room.
I came out with a blanket and then I switched off the TV.
I put the blanket on and tucked Namjoon in. When I was done, I started to leave but Namjoon held my hand and pulled me. I prevented myself from falling on him just in time.ok
"Where are you going?" He asked still sleeping. "To my room". I answered.
"Have you served your punishment," he opened his eyes.
"Yes". I lied. He released me and sat up straight. " You can go to sleep again".I added.
"No, I'm sorry I was mad at you. You're a nice person to be honest but, I didn't like that you would show a real potential and then not learn. Will you promise to give me another glance to teach you?" He asked.
"Yeah... I guess but not today, if that's alright".
I said.
"Then lets do something interesting and something that I've been trying to do with you for quite some time".
"What now? You want me to learn the history of English language?" I asked sarcastically.
"No, would you teach me how to play that game you were playing with Jungkook". He asked.
I smiled and I remembered how I had defeated Jungkook in the video game.
I nodded and we held the controllers. We played and I taught Namjoon the game but he wasn't good at it. Despite on how I behaved, he concentrated. He also made me feel a little better.
Taehyung came as I hugged Namjoon because I won against him.
"Hey, where's my hug?" He asked.
"Hug for what?" Namjoon asked as he pushed me away.
"What were you guys doing and where is everyone!" He asked.
"You tell me!" I said.
"Well Jimin , Jungkook and Jin were with me so where are J-hope and Yoongi". He replied.
"They're at practice. You should head there instead of fooling around". Namjoon said.
"We weren't following around. We were buying tickets for my friend here and you got front row seats so I expect to see you there. Also Jimin chose the very outfit you need to wear at the concert". Taehyung smiled at me.
I smiled too and thanked him with a hug.
Jimin gave me a bag and I took it but I didn't thank him because I was busy looking at the tickets.
Namjoon winked at me and went to his room. I decided from that day that I would not disappoint him because I didn't want to get on his bad side. This time the punishment wasn't  harsh but who knows what he'll do next time.
I'll tell you the name of the movie in the next chapter, but if you haven't watched it then do check it out and sometimes it's better to read subtitle so check it out for sure.
The ones who got the scene. I expect to see your answers in the comments.

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