Seokjin senario #6

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I liked the dress that Jimin brought me. It was very beautiful. It was a black long dress without sleeves and it was covered in small sparkles here and there but they were so scarce that reminded me of the bright twinkling sky.
The waist however was really think. I began to wonder how Jimin imagined me. Wait! Did he really think if me? I didn't want to think that he ever thought of me.
With the type of playboy he was, I didn't think he'd actually stick to thinking about one single girl.
I began to think if I'd ever fit in it.
I wanted to go thank him but I'm glad I didn't. He didn't deserve my thanks after the dress he brought.
I'm like a whale if he hadn't noticed. Okay, I'm just exaggerating but he's seen me countless times and Taehyung was with him for a reason.
I walked into the kitchen in hopes of finding Jin there. He was always there to make me feel good. I really liked him. He had done so much like drive me to the dorm the first time I came.
He drove me to the arcade and to the big hit entertainment company.
He always gave me a warm smile. It was the most sweetest thing I'd seen in my life.
"Hello!" I called happily smiling at him.
"Don't scare me like that!" He exclaimed.
"Sorry. What are you doing?"I said as I tried to peak over his shoulders to see what he was doing.
"Nothing special". He replied blocking off my view on purpose.
"Let me see? It is for me?" I asked trying to see what he was doing.
I sighed and turned around to leave but Jin at once grabbed my waist and turned me around.
"Leaving so early? He asked playfully.
My chest heaved and my hearted pounded so loud I'm sure he could hear it. My cheeks turned a deep red. I knew since my cheeks burned. I looked at him as a smile crossed his face. I was really close to him but I could feel his warm motherly feel as he held me delicately.
I smiled and shook my head.
He picked me up and sat me on the counter next to what he was doing.
I saw a bowl full of ingredients for something.
"Pass me the oregano". He commanded. I did and he sprinkled some which fell like smooth snow.
"So, Oppa! Why were you hiding that?" I asked.
"It's for someone else". He replied.
"Is she pretty?" I asked teasingly.
"No, it's not a girl". He replied.
"So who?" I asked.
"Someone you've been trying to avoid". He said.
Jimin? How did he know about me avoiding him. I didn't tell but, if not me than Who?
Jimin? What was his problem? I hated myself so much right now that I wished the ground would swallow me and I would vanish forever.
If only if talked to him. Only once.
"You mean..." I began.
"Me". He finished me off.
"You?" I asked confused.
He stood in front of me. Still seated on the counter I looked at him. He looked at me and then cupping my face into his warm hands.
He smiled. I didn't smile.
"You've been ignoring me so much and having fun with the others that I feel left out but don't worry. I'll be happy if I eat!" He remarked squishing my cheeks.
"You're so sweet, how could you feel that I would ignore you. I'll help you". I said but Jin placed his hand on mine and picked me up before placing me on the ground.
"You don't have to". He said
"Yes,Oppa. I do". I replied.
"No. Please don't".
"Please let me do it. I can help and it will save you time".
"I know but I want to..."
"Then How will I make you believe me that I don't ignore you". I said with worry.
"You don't ignore me, satisfied?" He asked.
"No!" I pouted.
"I'm fine". He said.
"No, you aren't". I replied.
I kept arguing with him but he ignored me and didn't turn around to talk to me.
I was about to go and push him away when I bumped into Taehyung who was coming into the kitchen.
Actually, he bumped into me and I bumped into Jin as he turned around. Jin was holding a knife.
I bumped into him and the knife sliced deep through my arm above below my
The sleeve of the shirt helped me by coming in-contact with the knife and making sure the cut wasn't that deep.
I screamed as Jin gasped. Taehyung grabbed me.
"Oppa!" I exclaimed as he examined my arm.
"Are you okay?" Jin asked concerned.
They took me and ran to my room.
Taehyung seated me on my bed and I stared at him and Jin.
Jin took out a first aid box.
He sat down on the bed with me to work on my wound.
Taehyung scolded me the whole time but I could tell he was concerned and he was really loud so he attracted the attention of Jimin and Yoongi.
Yoongi came in and then, he helped Jin bandaged my arm.
"I'm sorry", was all that Jin uttered.
"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pestered you". I replied.
"You shouldn't have been in the kitchen". Taehyung replied.
"Taehyung-ah. At least she's okay". I heard Jimin's voice.
He'd just calmed Taehyung down.
Jin went to the kitchen and I followed him but Taehyung grabbed my hurt arm.
"Are you trying to break my arm too?" I asked.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked annoyed and angry at the same time.
"To Jin Oppa !" I exclaimed and snatching my hurting arm out of his grasp. I pushed passed Jimin and went to the kitchen.
Jin was leaning against the counter his hands firmly pressed on the counter sides.
The bloody knife was in the sink.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"No! I hurt you". He spoke and I could hear him sobbing.
"And I didn't feel it because of the way you cut through it". I replied.
"Stop lying, you screamed because of the pain!" He said.
"I'm okay now and if I would give anyone the opportunity to cut my arm, it'll be you".
I sounded pathetic but it was nothing compared to what Jin was feeling.
"You remind me of my Eomma!" I said.
He looked at me. His eyes were red from tears.
"Why?" He asked.
"A mother feels terrified and sick after she hurts her kid may it be accident or not".
"But I'm not your mother". He replied.
"Well, you've fed me, nursed me right now. Taken me to places". I said . "Your like my Mother". I added.
"I feel more awful". He said.
"Then let me help you". I said.
"Okay but if I still feel bad?" He asked.
"You can tell me some of your dad jokes and I'll feel good making you feel better and that'll be that!" I said.
"Okay". He said.
The worst part of the whole situation wasn't that my arm hurt or that Taehyung was upset with me but the fact that I didn't find any of Jin's jokes funny and I laughed without knowing why.
Jungkook came to ask about my arm and so did Namjoon when he thought me a couple of important Korean words.
I met Jin on my way to the dining room that night.
He pulled me into a corner and held me there and I felt a sharp pain as I backed on my hurt arm.
I winced as it hurt much more than before.
I looked into Jin's eyes. He wasn't crying anymore but he leaned in close.
I backed up more pressing my back to the wall. He came in close until he was cheek rubbed against mine.
He whispered into my ear.
And what he said made me feel that this guy didn't need to say it in my ear. I nodded and he brought he into the kitchen.
He made me taste his salad/something that he had made with my help. It tasted pretty good to me and Jin complimented me for having nice cooking skills even though I didn't do much.
His brown hair fell over his eyes as he brushed it away.
I held a spoon to his mouth and he liked it too.
Taehyung came in but he left again as he saw us.
I pulled him in and he apologized to Jin. He turned my arm into his own and then apologized to me too.
At the dining table.
Jimin sat on my left and Jungkook on my right.
"You look better now". Jimin told Jin as he placed our dinner in plates.
"Pasta! My favorite". I said as I felt bad for Jin.
"Mine too!" Jimin exclaimed as he put his hand in my hand under the table.
My eyes widened and I saw his hand in mine. He left something black in my hand and then pulled his hand away quickly.
We ate in silence. I looked at him but he ignored my eyes.
I went into my room after I finished the dinner and Jin came up and asked if I was still hurting.
"I'm okay Oppa! I loved your cooking". I said.
"Your Eomma called and I told her you were okay". He said.
"Oppa, does she know about the MV?" I asked alarmed.
"Not yet! Unless that magazine is sold in NZ!" He said.
I worried once when I knew I'd seen it before while I was in NZ.
"Okay, calm down!" Jin held me and hugged me close as I began to shiver. He hugged me close and ran his hand through my long hair. I began to sob making him hug me even closer.
"What's the matter . Are you okay?" He whispered at me.
"She'll be mad", I replied still clinging close to him.
"It'll be fine. I'll not tell her anything". He replied as he pulled away and wiped my tears with his hands.
He then placed his hands around my face and then kissed my for head.
"I miss Eomma!" I declared finally letting out my real feelings.
He grabbed me into his hug again and his warmth made me feel safe.
"It's going to be okay now stop crying because I'll cry too then". He said.
"Promise not to tell anyone about this?" I asked as I pulled away from him and took a tissue to wipe my eyes.
He nodded and asked if he should stay with me but I needed some alone time so he left.
As he was gone, I calmed down and then pulled out the black thing from under my pillow. I unfolded it and found a paper in it along with some other black neatly folded net things.
I read the paper.
"Wear this at the concert too! I'd like it". The note read.
I took the black net thing and unfolded it.
It just to turned out to be black net gloves. Jimin has given them to me to hide my hurt arm.
I rejoiced silently and thought it was nice if him to be so considerate.
I liked his thinking and he was cute at this point.

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