The Journey Continues

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The last morning spent at this camp was a somber one. The sky was stuffed with white and grey clouds and the air smelt damp, a storm was on its way and it was about time the four left. As usual Noct was the last to wake up.

"Morning all." He brushed his bed hair out of his face and yawned whilst stepping out the tent.

Ignis was packing up his cooking equipment and Gladio was folding the camping gear.

"No breakfast?" Noct was disappointed.

"Sadly not cooked by me. We have to get a move on the road, we are very far behind schedule." Iggy adjusted his glasses.

Noct's stomach growled.

"Where's Prompto?" Noct looked around for the blonde boy.

"Not sure, he said he was going for a walk." Gladio joined in the conversation.

"Not like him..." Noct curled his lip.

Still very sleepy, Noct slowly walked down the concrete ramp and onto the grass. He weaved in and out of trees and headed towards the path than ran next to the vesperpool in hopes of finding Prompto.

After reaching the path he noticed a figure in the distance sitting on one of the large boulders. Noct continued to walk to join them.

"Hey." Noct approached Prompto who sat quietly alone.

"Hey." He also replied in a quiet and soft tone.

"Whatcha' doing out here alone?" The prince sat next to Prompto on the edge of the boulder.



"What we going to do now? Your wedding is called off and we can't head home."

"We continue our road trip I guess. Might as well spent time with each other. If I really am the 'chosen King',I may just be gone in a few years."

"Right. And what of the Empire?"

"We take them out as we go along."

"We can't do that forever. They'll keep on coming."

"I'm sure there's more that meets the eye. Besides, there's a few imperial leaders we can take care of."

"If we can get anywhere near them."

"Why so negative all of a sudden?"

A distant shout from Gladio was heard from the distance, "Hey you two, we've got to go!" .

Noct tutted and stood up, placing his hand out for Prompto to use it, but he dismissed it and got up himself. Noct muttered, "alright then..." to himself. Prompto heard and stormed ahead.

"Hey, Prompto!" Noct threw his arms in the air and they swung back into his sides.

The blonde boy continued to speed ahead, leaving Noct behind.
"What's got into him?", Noct wondered.

Prompto was afraid about his future. This whole time his greatest goal was to tell everyone close to him his secrets and his truth, but now that goal has been met he feels empty. There's no clear path ahead of him anymore and now he fears that he will stumble from the path he once walked. He believes that telling Gladio and Iggy just made himself a bigger burden, and a target to be picked on. It wasn't Noct's fault that he wasn't in the mood, but he feels like it'll be best to distant himself until he clears his mind. Just as a precaution.

Noctis slowly caught up to Prompto, but he didn't speak to him this time, only walked alongside him slowly as they ascended up the green grass hill. Just as they reached the peak, a shout from Ignis was heard,
" A magitek engine... it's close!"

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now