Setting Sail

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The sunrise broke early and lit up the hidden beaches of Galdin Quay before any residents had awoken. The silky thin curtains provided no help in blocking out the yellow rays causing Noctis to finally decide to get out of bed despite being awake for hours. He knew too well that the journey had to continue, but was worried for Prompto.

The room had huge glass windows looking out to the blue waves and a large double bed. The Prince swung his legs off the mattress and groaned at the lack of sleep he had. He rubbed his eyes and sat facing the window with his head resting in his arms. He was exhausted. He took a moment before exhaling his breath dramatically and looking over at Prompto who still remained sound asleep. He stood up and began to walk back and forth, hundreds of thoughts washing over him as he doubted himself and wondered whether it was worth continuing anymore. Prompto was way too weak, but Noct wouldn't abandon him.

The agitated and pacing Noct woke up Prompto, but the prince didn't realize at first. The blonde boy sat up in the bed and looked over his shoulder, noticing the absence of his friend. The pain in his wrists still burned and he had a pounding headache from the night before. He flinched and let out a breathy moan, Noct froze in his pacing and turned slowly to face Prompto.

"I'm glad you're awake... was kinda worried you weren't going to." Noct then quicky hurried over to his bedside.

"This is quite a regular thing now... you waking up worried and beside me as I lay weak in bed." Prompto was clearly annoyed with himself.

"This time... it was my fault. The storm-Ramuh- was what weakened you." Noct looked away in shame.

"There was no way of telling. You had no choice, you did it to save my life again for what? The fourth time?"

"I won't let you die if that's what you're getting at."

Noct stood up from his crouched position and walked around a little more. He was still agitated. He took a deep breath and walked towards the door to see if Iggy and Gladio were awake. Their door remained shut, but the curtain was neatly tied up suggesting that they were awake, but not ready. Noctis closed the door and sat at the edge of the bed. Prompto noticed that Noctis was irritated so he carefully crawled to the edge of the bed and rested his body up against a stack of pillows.

"You interrogate me all the time so... what's up with you?" Prompto smiled to try to keep a light tone.

"When we spoke yesterday morning and I said about what we were to do now... I wasn't truthful. I really don't know what is to happen anymore and neither does Gladio or Iggy. We are doing what the original plan was, but there is no objective. No end goal anymore. We head to Altissia and meet with Luna, but I won't get married. I am the King now...The King. There are two major figureheads staying in Altissia, Loqi and LunaFreya's brother, Ravus. The only way forward I can see right now is taking out Loqi, but I won't harm Ravus." Noct spoke with authority in his tone.

"Sounds like a plan. It'll keep us busy."

"But Prompto..."


"I am the Chosen King. Protector of Lucis. I don't know whether it is because of everything that has been going on but... I feel the end is near and I want to warn you this now. As much as i hate to say it, I won't always be there for you." Noct saddened, but Prompto reacted differently to how he thought he was going to respond.

"I know...I feel it too. I've made you protect me for long enough, it is time I take responsibility. No matter what it takes." Prompto raised his frail body and felt determined.

"What we agreed on is still valid however." Noct grinned.

"What is?"

"Ever at your side."

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now