The Horde

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A few days had passed. The Glaive's ships landed the day after Prompto had the surgery on his leg and he remained in a stable condition. The traditional methods were tough as it was barely heard of anymore about actual surgeries and doctors instead of remedies and potions. The strain was going to be tough on Prompto as he had to deal with the healing time, something he didn't have to think about before. This was another factor that was wearing his already fragile body and the rest of the group were worrying heavily that Prompto was going to only get worse and may end up getting killed. This thought didn't leave Noctis' mind and it took over him to the point it was effecting his mood and daily life. The prince grew to be more groggy, tired and snappy over the course of a few days and barely spoke to Prompto as he couldn't face seeing him, in case it was the last.

They seeked shelter in the small old Lestallum for a while. Prompto was assisting Iggy with the groceries as he wheeled from place to place. Noct stood up against the wall, arms crossed and staring in worry. Prompto was in no condition to fight soon. Gladio had been studying for a while, reading a whole library of books that he found to help explain anything about the MT's in Altissia and why they changed their coding. The day was running smoothly and quite regularly until Gladio spoke out.

"I found it!" He screamed out, pointing at the book in his hands.
The boys rushed over, Prompto as fast as he could in the wheelchair to see what Gladio has discovered.

"The empires bots were once grown in a lab as we once know, but they do not posses self thoughts or human traits... unlike this lucky guy." Gladio nudged Prompto.

"So?...". Noct replied dully.

"So... that means that they were either programmed to do what they did, or they became self aware. it is possible- I mean Prompto managed to do it. " He continued.

"How will this aid us?" Iggy didn't fully understand.

"You're not going to like this..." Gladio began.
"Basically, the symptoms that Prompto has- the potions not working, his reoccurring nightmares and his general weakness, especially around electricity and other MT's is suspicious. The only times that the Empire has gone a bit crazy is when they are around our friend here... and I want you to remember that they are all exact clones of Prompto under those metal heads."

Prompto looked away.
"You're saying that it's my fault?!" He spat back.

"No, of course not! But it's a pretty plausible conclusion!" Gladio shouted in response.

"This still doesn't tell me how this helps us!" Iggy shouted over them.

"Prompto is the mother. The king on the board. The brain of them all- whatever you want to call it! He's the one that makes them turn. They are trying to reach their 'master' and the only way to do so is controlled by Prompto's feelings and he isn't exactly in the best state of mind right now. What happened right before the massacre? A whole load of anguish, hatred and sadness building up like a steam cooker inside that boy! It triggered the bots and the blood he shed made them even crazier! The symptoms afterwards like then potions not working... are all withdrawal symptoms from being away from I guess the 'children' because potions and magic doesn't work on them either. As much as you may hate it, Prompto, something inside you is clawing at you to return to the others." Gladio finished his explanation. Sounding very cold and distant.

Prompto was angry, but he moved away before he caused further arguments. He spun his wheelchair around and began heading for the motel room, but Noct stood in front of him.

"Move." Prompto stared passed him.

"I'm not dealing with your attitude again. You're staying out here and dealing with this! It isn't your fault, of course it isn't. But you can't just run away from your problems all the time!" Noct seemed angry.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now