Ardyn's Plan

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Noct and Prompto were collapsed next to eachother and Gladio and Iggy stumbled over to them, still baffled by the events.

"What power? You just threw your only hope away!" Prompto was clearly agitated with his friends choice.

Noct began laughing in both hysteria and sarcasm.

"As cheesy as it is. We have eachother. Literally." He picked up Prompto's ringed hand.

"And How is that going to defeat Ardyn?" Prompto tried to squirm away.

Iggy and Gladio crouched alongside the boys and consoled them.

"Take a breather." Iggy softly grabbed Prompto's arm, he was still in shock and anger.

They all sighed.

"What happened to you?" Prompto finally looked at Noct properly who was clearly in pain. His voice still twanged with agitation.

"I was thrown quite a distance. Not sure if my neck and back are actually broken." His face scrunched in agony.

"I...I'm sorry." His heart rate began to slow and his breathing became rhythmic.

"We all are to blame." Gladio softly spoke.

Prompto looked around. The same events were happening too many times that he could no longer count them. He didn't have the time or strength to argue with Noctis.

They all used eachother for strength, physically and mentally as they walked into the diner for shelter. They made them self at home on the diner's soft booths. Iggy remained standing up and took a look around the kitchen for food supplies.

The other three waited for him to come back in silence, but were alerted by the sound of struggling and falling pots and pans.

"Iggy?!" Gladio rushed forward.

Noct tried to move but his neck made his stance a problem. Prompto shook his head and threw him back onto the red leather. Instead he limped to investigate.

The kitchen was a mini maze. All the contents of the cupboards were scattered on the floor and the counter islands were spread across the room. Iggy was struggling in the corner with a large Niflheim bot. Gladio was jumping over the furniture and avoiding the ocean of mess on the floor to get to him. Iggy was nearly permanently injured. The bot kept playing with him like a rag doll, picking his frail body up and throwing it against the thick metal freezer. Each time his face bruising.
Prompto had enough. He stood in the doorway, screaming and begging with emotion.

"Stop it! I've had enough of you bastards ruining my life! Get off of him now! I'm begging you!" Prompto screamed to the point his voice cracked. His hands were flexing so hard that his veins and bones were popping as he desperately reached out at the air for the MT to stop.

It was a miracle. Iggy was dropped to the floor as the bot responded. It stumbled and tripped over the piles of waste as it approached Prompto. Gladio watched as it walked passed him metres from his body.

Prompto stood in disbelief, his face popping with veins and pouring with sweat. He shook in fear as the bot stood face to face with him, only a few centimetres apart. They were the same height and the same build. He let out a final command.


The bot collapsed backwards, clinking with the rest of the metal on the floor causing a loud noise. It hit the shelf which followed and collapsed onto the dead droid. Prompto's nose exploded with red blood that poured down him.

The power overtook his body, so he fell to the ground, but he watched as Iggy was retrieved from the corner, alive with minor face bruises and cuts, slumped over Gladio. He quickly regained consciousness in a few seconds and followed them out of the room, his vision a blur and dizzy.

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