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There always are those kinds of people that everyone wants to be-they live the dream life; they own everything, their face looks like it was sculpted by the gods, their style is always on point, their smile was blinding, by being in their presence you felt special. That was Joshua and Hansol. The two heartthrobs of the school, but despite both having the same godly aura, they were both very different. For one, Joshua had the sweet guy thing going, and Hansol had the cool guy thing going. Hansol was loved but envied at the same time, he always hung out with the same close-knit circle consisting of Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Seungcheol; he was always the topic of conversation but he was never in any of those conversations. Joshua on the other hand, loved everyone-and everyone loved him; he was the person you'd go to cheer up your day even if you barely knew him. Joshua was the kind of person that would apologize to a tree for bumping into it-hence his nickname "the gentleman". But the two boys never had to compete, no one wanted one more than the other.

They were the two most popular boys of the school but they were popular in a different way.

Hansol awoke to pounding on his door at what must've been 8 in the morning on a Saturday.

"Yo Vernon wake up!" Mingyu shouted from the other side of the door.

What the hell is Mingyu doing in my house?

Hansol replied with a muffled "Five more minutes" His head was about to hit the pillow again when his bedroom door swung open and three people walked in-Seungcheol, Wonwoo, and Mingyu to be exact-settling themselves on his bed and couch.

Hansol blinked his eyes open and looked up at Mingyu sitting at the edge of his bed. "Did you forget?"

"Forget what?" Hansol muttered, still half asleep.

"Auditions?" Seungcheol said from his seat on the couch.

Hansol shot up, bumping foreheads with Mingyu. "Shit. Did they start already?"

"No, because luckily you have three friends who know you very well and figured you would've overslept so they came to wake you up," Seungcheol said.

Hansol sighed and laid back down. "Thanks guys."

"Don't lay back down, get up," Mingyu said, shoving Hansol over.

"Fine, fine, now get out," Hansol said and went to get dressed as his friends were walking out of his room.

Joshua practiced his song for the tenth time, just to make sure he really knew it by heart, but of course he did, he'd been practicing it for months. He could've played the guitar and sung blindfolded and deaf; the song was party of him.

He'd arrived at the music room an hour early to practice so he wouldn't wake up his roommates and now it was slowly filling up with students, all anxious and nervous for their auditions. Joshua put away his guitar and took out his sheet music, looking over the lyrics for what felt like the millionth time in his life, but it never hurt to be prepared.

The room got quieter for a second and Joshua looked up from his papers to see what had caused the sudden silence but he was already expecting what he saw.

Chwe Hansol, the dreamboat of every girl that walked the halls. His hair was a bit tousled which suggested he'd just gotten out of bed and his eyes were not quite fully open.

Looking around the room, Joshua could see every girl swooning over him-and although he wouldn't admit to anyone, he had to contain himself from swooning too. His eyes met briefly with Hansol's before he sat down on the other side of the room.

Wonwoo gave Hansol a slap on the back. "Don't stress over it, Hansol, we'll do great."

"I know, I know, but still. There's like 50 people auditioning and only 20 will make it to the contest, that means 30 people will get cut," Hansol said.

"Hansol, don't stress over it," Wonwoo repeated.

That didn't stop Hansol's hands from shaking.

What did calm him, however, was the small glimpses of Joshua Hong that he was able to get. Sometimes he'd be playing his guitar-which Hansol could faintly hear over the loud talking inside the music room-other times he'd be looking at some papers-sheet music Hansol would've guessed-other times he'd find Joshua looking back at him, in which cases Hansol would quickly look away.

"Hansol. Hansol? Earth to Chwe Hansol," Seungcheol was saying.

He snapped his head back to the group. "Yes?"

"There's three people in front of us," Seungcheol said.

Hansol checked the time on his phone.


They'd been waiting almost an hour.

"Do you guys want to run it one more time?" Wonwoo asked.

"Yeah-" Seungcheol paused to look down at his phone. He smiled at what he saw on his screen and mumbled and apology and went out of the music room.

The remaining three all looked at each other and mumbled, "Jeonghan".

Seungcheol stumbled back inside looking flustered right as the person behind them was called. Wonwoo, Mingyu, and Hansol all wiggled their eyebrows.

"Shut up," Seungcheol said, trying to stop blushing.

Joshua was one of the last to be called despite being one of the first to sign up and arrive to the school. His nerves were still getting the best of him but he managed to get through his audition with only minor hiccups. As he was leaving the room his choir teacher gave him and encouraging smile that made him feel more confident about his audition.

Now came the worst part.


The results would be posted in one week, and during that week all the students could do was wait.

Joshua tried not to think about it as he went home on Saturday, returning to a lively house of four boys running around preparing breakfast, putting clothes in the laundry, taking a shower, singing, dancing.

"I'm back," he announced coming into the kitchen.

"How was it?" Jeonghan asked as he prepared coffee.

"I did good...I think," Joshua replied.

"Bullshit, you must've done amazing! I heard you practicing like a bajillion times Joshua," Seungkwan said, coming into the kitchen.

Joshua smiled at the compliment.

"Who wants pancakes?" Jeonghan asked, setting a plate down on the counter.

"Oo oo, me," Seungkwan squeaked, running over to the pile of fluffy pancakes.

"So American of you, Jeonghan," Joshua said.

"Well, we're celebrating our American roommate after all," Jeonghan said.

"You didn't need to Jeonghan," Joshua said, ever the humble one.

"Yes, I did. You totally nailed that audition and that, hyung, is cause for celebration. Now go get Jihoon and Seokmin, Seungkwan, so that we can have a nice 'family' breakfast."

Discovering Love--A Jisol FicWhere stories live. Discover now