Private Thoughts

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Vernon woke up to the sound of his extremely loud alarm and began getting ready for school. The rest of the house was already up and running, Hansol being the last one to wake up. He didn't understand how he was the only one in his family that was in no way, shape, or form, a morning person.

He still felt like shit from the day before when he'd woken up after the regrettable partying he and the boys had done-Mingyu had claimed they were "celebrating" right before he'd drained his parents' entire liquor cabinet.

Hansol couldn't help but join them in their celebrating; he'd been proud of his audition-but maybe not enough to drink half a bottle of vodka by himself. He was confident they would all make the cut and would compete at the Seoul Contest of Artists.

Hansol picked out clothes that matched what he felt like-black ripped jeans and an oversized red hoodie.

Throwing the hood over his head, Hansol grabbed an apple off of the kitchen counter and headed for the garage, only to be stopped short by a yank on his shoulder.

"Can you drive me to school?" his sister, Sophia, asked.

"I thought your friends promised to give you a ride this school year," Hansol said.

"Well, they have different schedules sometimes," Sophia said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Then just ask mom," Hansol said, turning back around.

Sophia ran in front of him. "Come on Hansol, please, just today."

Hansol rolled his eyes. The real reason he didn't want to take Sophia was because every morning he sat in his car and waited for a certain someone to walk into the school.

"Please Hansol?" Sophia begged.

Hansol sighed. "Fine, but only today. Find another ride until you make up with your friends."

"We didn't-"

"Oh please, I heard you yelling on the phone all the way from my room."

Joshua arrived at 7:45 as usual, only today the black Mercedes has saw everyday wasn't there waiting for him. He tried not to let his disappointment show but he couldn't deny that he'd started looking forward to seeing Chwe Hansol hidden in his car every morning watching him go into the school, even though Joshua was sure he wasn't supposed to know.

Joshua chatted with the crowd that had formed around his locker before school started, until he heard the other students go quiet; Hansol had arrived. Joshua turned to watch the grand entrance; Hansol made the casual look he was wearing so cool and effortless-but Joshua doubted he'd actually put effort into his outfit so it was quite literally effortless.

Joshua had been finding himself spending too much time thinking about Chwe Hansol, a boy who was very much straight and would probably never even consider dating Joshua. It was all just time wasted, but he kept wasting it.

Hansol wasn't surprised that Seungcheol and the other two hadn't made it to school yet, so he walked down the hall by himself, getting a glimpse of an all-too-familiar smile in his peripheral vision. He reached his locker and turned the lock around. As soon as he opened the door, a small pink note fell out. He rolled his eyes internally. Another girl asking him out on a date.

Who is it this time? He wondered.

It was from some girl named Joy, claiming to have been in his Algebra some years back.

There was some kind of poem or song lyric in the note-at least the girl knew what he liked-but the rest was just bullshit. Something about her wanting to catch a movie or what not.

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