Run Ins

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Joshua was glad Hansol was leaving—because he was planning on staying, and practicing. He took his guitar out of its case and made sure it was still tuned.

Deeming it good enough to play, Joshua took his pick and strummed the strings.

He was halfway done with his song when there was a knock on the hotel door.

"Joshua-ah, it's Soonyoung," said the person on the other side.

Joshua set down his guitar and went to open the door.

"Were you headed anywhere?" Soonyoung said once the door opened.

"No, I don't really feel like doing anything right now," Joshua replied.

"Then come to the spa with me—you won't have to do anything, just relax," Soonyoung suggested.

"Thanks for the offer Soonyoung, but I'm fine, really."

"Come on Joshua," Soonyoung begged, "you need to stop overworking yourself."

Joshua sighed. He didn't know Soonyoung very well, but he knew that he was stubborn. "Fine, just let me change..."

"Yay!" Soonyoung let out.

The spa was quiet when they arrived, and Joshua had to admit, just from walking into the room, he felt relaxed.

There were three massage beds inside the small, dimly lit room, one of which was occupied by another guy. Joshua had to stop for a second and appreciate the sight he was seeing. It was a hot back.

Joshua laid face down in the massage bed next to the other boy.

Soonyoung wiggled his eyebrows at Joshua—although Joshua didn't understand why—and laid down in the last empty bed.

Not too long after they were seated, soothing music began to play. There were few other noises to be heard.

The lights dimmed even more and Joshua felt delicate hands begin massaging his back.

"Relax," one of the women said in a soft voice, "clear your mind."

He took a deep breath and the scent of lavender filled his lungs.

Hansol was almost sure he wasn't going to be able to move by the time the massage was finished—he might just have to spend the night at the spa.

The hands at his back were moving expertly, massaging all of his sore spots, and he might've let slip a moan or two, much to his embarrassment.

After what felt like hours, the hands on his back stopped. "What was your name again, dear?"

"Hansol," he replied as he sat up.

There were two other guys sitting next to him—one whom he assumed was Soonyoung if the blue hair was any indication.

"Hey Hansol," Soonyoung said, lifting up his head.

Hansol waved a hand. "Hey."

"Joshua-ah aren't you going to say hi?"

Hansol froze. Joshua had been lying next to him the whole time?

Joshua slowly lifted his head and propped his chin on his hands. "I think I'm going to stay a bit more, Soonyoung, you go ahead," Joshua said, completely ignoring Hansol.

Soonyoung looked to Hansol and gave a shrug as if to say, I'm sorry.

Hansol returned with a small nod.

Discovering Love--A Jisol Ficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें