Our Voices

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Joshua and Hansol spent all day brainstorming lyrics and putting their song together—they would've skipped dinner if it were not for Soonyoung and the others banging on their hotel door claiming to have food.

"So how's your song going?" Chan asked in between bites of sushi.

"Great," Joshua said. "Hansol had most of the song already done so there isn't much to do."

"That's good," Soonyoung said. "Can we hear what you have so far?"

Joshua and Hansol exchanged looks.

Hansol shrugged. "Yeah, sure." He set down his plate of kimchi on the table by the bed and reached for his laptop. He pulled up the file of the finished song and turned to Joshua. "Ready?"

Joshua nodded.

Hansol hit play.

He started first, singing, "I see everybody's aura fading They can't see themselves without being anxious..."

Joshua swayed to the music as he sang, the others soon followed, moving their heads from side to side.

They finished off the song together and smiled at each other. It had been their best run through yet.

The others began clapping and cheering furiously.

"That. Was. Fucking. Amazing," Soonyoung said.

Joshua and Hansol blushed lightly. "Thanks," they said at the same time.

"So what's it called?"

"We haven't decided yet," Hansol said.

"I think it should be—what was it?—lockhet?"

Joshua and Hansol chuckled at his mispronunciation.

"Rocket," Joshua corrected. "I like that. What do you think Hansol?"
"I like it, it's part of the chorus anyway so it would make sense."

"Rocket it is then," Joshua said.

"You guys' score is going to be sky high," Jun said, "no pun intended."

"Thanks Jun," Joshua said.


They all tossed away their food containers and squeezed onto one bed. They stayed quiet for a while, just staring at the ceiling.

Joshua sighed. There were a million things going through his head, how would they do tomorrow, would the judges like them, were they going to get a high enough score?

"Hey," Hansol whispered, "don't worry about it, we'll do great," he said, practically reading Joshua's mind.

"I know, I'm just a little nervous," Joshua replied.

Hansol laced their fingers together. "We'll make it, I have no doubt."

"Well," Soonyoung said, sitting up, "we should get going—you guys need to sleep. You two have a long day ahead tomorrow."

"Yes, mom," Hansol said.

Soonyoung chuckled. "I'm being serious, you two need to rest—your song is perfect."

"Says the one that stays up until 3 a.m. perfecting choreography," Minghao said.

"I don't do that," Soonyoung protested.

"Yeah, you do," Jun said.

Soonyoung rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"We'll get enough rest," Joshua assured them. "Thanks for the food."

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