Drum Roll

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Mingyu didn't even waste time asking Hansol how the dinner had gone, he was too busy running to the music room at full speed, with Wonwoo, Hansol, and Seungcheol in tow.

There was a crowd of people surrounding the doors to the music room, all eagerly scanning the list to see who had made it. Mingyu, being the 6'1" human being he is, shoved some people out of the way to see the list himself. He ran his finger down the list quickly searching for his name. Hansol couldn't see the names—or Mingyu's face.

But he found out soon enough if they'd made it. "Only Hansol?"

"What?" the three of them said at the same time.

"Number 13, Chwe Hansol," Mingyu said, "our names aren't here."

"Maybe they only put his name but it means the whole group," Seungcheol suggested.

"No, there's other group acts and all of their names are listed next to one number," Mingyu said.

"Let's ask the director, maybe it's just a mistake," Wonwoo said, he wasn't the only one that was catching on to Mingyu's disappointment.

Mingyu nodded. "Yeah, ok."
Wonwoo and Seungcheol went to find the director with Mingyu, but Hansol was curious as to who else had made the cuts.

After shoving his way to the list, he scanned the names. He only knew a few people: Chan and his friends, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, Kim Yugyeom, and of course, Joshua. He hadn't doubted Joshua would make it but still seeing his name on the list made Hansol smile—even though his friends hadn't made it...and he had.

He moved away from the crowd and ran to catch up with the others.

Jeonghan brought mini confetti poppers to lunch and him and Seungkwan popped them over Joshua to congratulate him.

"Thanks guys, you didn't have to do this," Joshua said, brushing confetti from his hair.

"You're way too humble, Jisoo," Jeonghan said. "You deserve this, we saw how hard you worked."

"Yeah, and I'll have to work even harder if I want to make it to the finals."

"Don't overwork yourself Joshua, you know that's not good for your health," Seungkwan said.

"I know, I know..."

"Are you guys excited for the party!?" Seungkwan asked enthusiastically.

Joshua just smiled.

"Hey Joshua," Seungkwan said, wiggling his eyebrows, "you know who's gonna be at the party?"

Joshua rolled his eyes.

"Han-sool," Seungkwan said in a sing-song voice.

"That actually reminds me, I have to give him his pants back," Joshua said, thankful for the excuse to leave.

"Tell him we said hi," Jeonghan said as Joshua was leaving.

Joshua scanned the cafeteria for Hansol, but he was nowhere in sight. He found Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Seungcheol and walked over to them.

"Hey, have you guys seen Hansol today?" Joshua asked.

"He's here, but we didn't see him at lunch," Seungcheol said.

"Oh, ok, thanks," Joshua said.

"Hey Joshua," Wonwoo said as he was about to turn around and walk away.


"Try the roof."

Joshua nodded his thanks and went looking for Hansol.

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